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Daij's pov 🌹🥰
"Get up, get up" A familiar voice whispered to me. "Daija get up" The voice whispered again shaking me. I opened my eyes and it was my mom. "Cmon you and TiTi need to get dressed we're going to pick up her cake" my mother quietly told me. My momma had put in the order for Kayla's birthday cake weeks ago. But they said the cake wouldn't be ready til a few days before her actual birthday. Which seems to be now since Kay's B-day isn't for another two days. And I guess that's why my mom is rushing us to pick it up.

"Okay okay I'm up" I stated annoyed cause she woke me up. I'm not really a morning person if you didn't already notice. "Hurry up daija" she demanded rushing me. "I'm going to the bathroom but when I get out ima be heading to the car" she stated walking up the stairs. "And y'all better be in there ready before I get in or I'm leaving and y'all walking" she warned on her way up the steps.

"But Ma what about Kay, she's gonna wonder where we went when she wakes up and finds the house empty" I whisper-shouted so that I wouldn't wake anyone up. My mom walked halfway back down the stairs so that she wouldn't have to yell. "Don't worry about Kayla I got that handled" she told me before walking back up the stairs.

I wanted to ask her what the hell she was talking about. But I wasn't about to get fussed at so I just did what she told me to and went to wake TiTi up. "Ti" I whispered.  "Mmm" Ti murmured rolling over on her side. "Ti" I quietly stated shaking her aggressively. "WHA" she started to shout before I covered her mouth. "Shhh" I shushed her. "My momma told me to wake you up we're going to get Kayla's birthday cake" I whispered to her. "But what about Kay, who's going to stay here with her" TiTi questioned.

"My momma said she got that handled" I explained. "What does that mean" she asked. "Girl I don't know but I just decided to go with it" I told her. "Aight I just need to put some pants on then I'll be ready" she informed me. "Okay I'll be right back I just need to throw on some clothes real quick" I told Tisha before running up stairs.

I quickly put on a T-shirt and some joggers then went back downstairs. When I got downstairs Tisha had on her jacket and shoes waiting by the door. I hurried and put on my slides. "Cmon let's go" I motioned her towards the door.

We walked out and my momma was just getting in the car. "Well don't just stand there get y'all asses in, we don't got all day now" she yelled. We hurried in the car and then she pulled off.

Thirty minutes later

Kayla's pov ☁️✨
I woke up to a tall dark figure coming in through the front door. I was just waking up so I wasn't all the way aware of my surroundings. But as the figure got closer I was able to make out more of their face. And the person started to look familiar. They took their jacket off and sat next to me. I rubbed my eyes more trying to get a clearer sight of them.

"Keshawn" I said in a questioning tone. "In the flesh Kk" he said grinning. I sat up and Immediately felt exposed and key quickly turned around. I looked down and saw that I was in nothing but my bra and panties. "Oop" I murmured to myself. I wrapped myself in the covers and walked up the stairs. "You didn't see nothing" I shouted on my way up the stairs. "You right I didn't see a thing" he chuckled from down stairs. I mentally rolled my eyes.

When I got upstairs I noticed Daija and TiTi weren't there. I quickly put on a shirt and some shorts and went back downstairs. "Hey where's Ti and Daij" I asked. "They went to the store to get some eggs and shit" he nonchalantly explained. "Said they were going to make breakfast" he continued.

"Ohhh okay but why are you here" I asked laughing a bit. I just like picking with key I don't mind him being here. "Well damn I thought it was cause my best friend missed me but I guess not" he said offended. "Oop what gave you the idea that I missed you" I teased. "Umm I don't know the text messages from yesterday" he stated.

"Okay cause I was bored and then you didn't even text me back" I complained rolling my eyes. "And that's why I came over here, I knew you'd have a lil attitude about that" he explained chuckling a little. "That and the fact that I like free food" he added.

"Boy fuck you" I stated annoyed. "Ahh you love me" he gushed hugging me. "Aight aight Key" I screamed while laughing cause he started tickling me. "You got it damn" I laughed as he released me from his grip.

Key's pov 🖤🔑
After I let Kayla go she went upstairs to the bathroom cause she said she had to pee. While she was out of the way I went to my phone and texted Daij.

Daija Waija ❤️
Aye Daij I told her that y'all went to get stuff for breakfast so tht she wouldn't suspect anything

So y'all gone have to come back with eggs, bacon, and shii or else she's going to think I lied to her

Aight key we got it don't worry

Okay see you when y'all get here

After I sent that text Kay came back downstairs. "You was up there for a long time" I stated. "What, did you have to build the pot to piss in it" I teased laughing a little. "You in my business, don't do that" she sassed walking over by the couch to sit down.

"Lord you females will say some shit over and over til niggas tired of hearing it" I complained. "Mhmm and what you gone do about it" she bucked. "Haha lil girl don't get beat up" I warned.

"Boy you ain't gone do shit" she nonchalantly shrugged me off. "Aight now when I pick you up, fold you, and put you on your head don't say nothing" I told her. "Key ain't nobody playing with you" she told me while grabbing the remote to turn on the tv.

"Ain't nobody playing with you either Kay" I mocked. "I'm just letting you know if you keep talking crazy you gone learn" I warned. "Boy say less what you tryna do" she stated hoping up. "Bet" I chuckled before picking her up and getting ready to slam her on the couch.

"Ahhhh Key put me down" she screamed. And just as I was about to slam her Ms.Brittney came in. "What the hell y'all doing in my house" she yelled.

Excuse any mistakes you might've seen ❤️

Anyways let me know what yall thought about this chapter in the comments.

Questions 😚💞
1. Do you think Key and Kay will get in trouble with aunt brittney 😂

2. Did they remember the breakfast stuff? 🤷🏾‍♀️

3. Where's the cake? 🤔

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