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Kayla pov🤍
I was sitting in class daydreaming waiting on the bell to ring when suddenly I was knocked out of my thoughts. "Aye Kayla have you seen keshawn today" London asked me. London was my best friend keshawn's current fling. Usually his play things don't like me or want to fight me for some reason. But not her she's been kinda cool.

"Nahh sorry I haven't seen him all day but if I do see him I'll tell him you were looking for him" I said. "Alright thanks girl" she said as the bell rang. I got up getting my things for next period as I was walking to the door my teacher called me.

"oh and ms.Summers make sure you tell mr.Williams that next time he doesn't show up to my class he'll have detention" she said to me. "ok Mrs.James I'll make sure to let him know" I said as I left out. Ughh I hate when key does this. He'll go mia for days even weeks and leave everybody asking me where he is.

I made a stop to my locker to get my books for next class when this nigga decided to pop up out of nowhere. "Yooo wassup Kay" keshawn said reeking of weed. "Don't wassup Kay me you been gone for a week where the hell have you been key?" I said angrily. "oh me I just been chillin at home" he said lying.

"First of all, I know you cappin yo ass off cause yo momma asked me where you was so Ian even tryna hear it" I said "I-


Just as he started talking the bell rung
"Well look here are some eye drops and umm this" I said. Giving him perfume from out my locker then closing it and locking it
"Kayy I can't wear this ima smell like a female" he said complaining. "It's to get the scent off you so that they don't smell you and then search you stupid" I said rolling my eyes. Sometimes I wish this nigga used the brain I known he has. "I know but bestt" he said starting to pout "key it's either that or you take your jacket off" I said.   
The second bell rung meaning that the late bell was going to ring soon after. "Aight here" key said taking off his jacket and giving it to me then running to class. "Ughh keyy I already locked my locker" I said. "Just wear it you'll be fine" he yelled from down the hall. "ughh I hate you" I said continuing to walk to class. "love you too best" he said.

Before I got into class I took the perfume that I tried to give key out my pocket and sprayed the fuck out of myself he wasn't about to get me in trouble shii.

By the time lunch came around I was already tired and drained from the kinda shitty day I've had. I got my food and met up with key and the boys. I don't really hang out with the girls at my school cause they're mostly dramatized and fake.

Plus me and key have been best friends since we were little so whatever friends he made he always made sure they were cool with me too. There were three of them rayshawn, antwan and shamere and we've all been cool since middle school.

I sat down tiredly as they all began asking me questions. "You good shordy" shamere asked. "Yea mere I'm just tired" I said. Just as I got done talking I felt somebody's eyes on me. So I turned around to see three random girls mugging me I didn't even know them what the fuck. Then I peeped them glance at key then back at me and then started talking.

"Ughh yo hea take you jacket man" I said practically ripping it off of me. "Damn do it really smell that bad, my fault I forgot you had it" key said taking it back. "No stupid it's not that" I said laughing at how clueless he was. "I had it on all day and bitches been side eyeing me and mumbling shit" I said agitated

"Chill kayy ain't nobody worried bout them hoes" key said comforting me while bringing me into a hug. "Ok now cheer up and smile cause we throwing a party tonight and you gotta be hype shordy" key said grinning. "We what" I said confused. This nigga been missing for a week and now that he shows his face he want to throw a fucking party oh my god.

"key what you mean we throwing a party, didn't you just get back from whatever hiatus you went on" I said with an attitude. "Me, you, Mere, Ray, and wuan y'all gon help me get the stuff ready for our party this Friday" key said nonchalantly. "Key fuck you mean this Friday, you missed a whole week of work all your shit is at my house I told your teachers I'd help you so you don't fall behind" I said in a frustrated tone

"Kay calm down everything will be fine I'll just come over this afternoon and we can do all the shit I missed ok" he said reassuring me. "Ok but what about this party we supposed to be throwing" I said Stressing.

"They can start it" key said point at the boys. "You stressing over nothing ma, ok" key said staring me in my eyes making sure I was calm.

"Ok" I said exhaling a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Aight now let's get ready to go to ms.henry class, you know she gon give us detention if we late" key said chuckling. "Aight we'll catch y'all later" I said to the guys. "Ok send us the info for the party" ray said. "Bet" keshawn said. As I stood up and turned around I peeped the same girls mugging me again. I guess key noticed it too cause after that he put his arm around me and we walked out the lunchroom.

//excuse any mistakes//

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