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Keshawn pov 🖤
We were still in the car talking to each other about everything and what we were going to do. "So that car that pulled up that was him" I questioned. "Yea" she simply stated. "Aight here's the pla-" before I could finish she cut me off. "Keyy" she pouted. "It's a new plan kay" I reassured. "Ok" She said. "Crybaby" I mumbled.  "Boy what's the damn plan" she asked.

"Aight so every Monday after school you gon pack your clothes and everything you need for the week and ima drop you off at Daija's house" I declared. "and don't worry about him being in the house cause I'm coming with you and I'm bringing the stick just in case any slick shit happen and before you start whining again if I shoot him it'll be self-defense" I stated.

After that she didn't say anything she just hugged me and kissed my cheek. "Thx you key I love you so much" she mumbled in my chest. "I love you too" I said. "You got all your clothes" I asked. "Yep" she simply said. "For how long" I questioned. "At least a week" she answered. "Aight, you hungry" I asked. "Always" she laughed. "Say less" I joked with her.

After we went to McDonald's I was on my way to Daija's house to drop her off. We had just pulled up to the house and I was about to get out. "Wait, call one of the guys and ask them if you can stay with them tonight" she demanded. "Kayy" I sighed rubbing my hand over my face. "Key I'm not getting outta this car until you call one of them" she stated. "Fine we can both stay in the car then" I smirked looking her up and down. "Keshawn stop playing I'm deadass" she stated.

"Aight, Aight" I complied taking my phone out of my pocket dialing Ray. "RayyRayyy" I screamed In the phone. "Aye bro can I crash on yo couch tonight" I spoke on the phone. "Put him on speaker" Kayla mouthed. "No" I mouthed back. "Keshawn" she said firmly motioning for me to put him on speaker. "Mann" I groaned smacking my lips and putting him on speaker. "Yea fasho my mom said you can stay as long as you want you family" Ray reassured. "Aight bet I'll be over there in a min" I informed him as I hung up.

"Yay now we both gotta place to sleep" Kay laughed. "Girl cmon" I chuckled getting out of the car the getting her stuff. I walked her to the door. "Thanks key I really feel a lot better" she thanked. "No problem I told you it was gon be aight" I recalled.

I gave her bags and she gave me a hug. Just before she was about to walk in the house I grabbed her. "What, no kiss good night" I joked. she put her bags down Pulled me into a warm long hug and then kissed my cheek. "Thank you so much for today key I really needed it" she thanked. "Oh and you don't gotta apologize or nun for earlier at school I was trippin" she recalled.

"It ain't a thang and nah you was right I should've never put you in any type of situation like that I'm sorry" I apologized. "You good best love you goodnight" she said before walking in the house. "Love you too" I said walking off the porch back to my car.


20 mins later
I pulled up at rays house and texted him and told him to open the door.

Bro Bro 💉
Open the door yo
                     I'm coming few 🙄

Shortly after he opened the door. "Yoo thanks fam I really appreciate it" I thanked him. "It ain't a thing cuh, my momma said she think of you as one of her sons so you straight" he recalled.
"Aight" I said as I dapping him up

Kay's pov 🤍
After I got in the house I greeted my aunt Brittney then went upstairs to take a shower smiling. I was so happy that I had finally got all that off my chest. It just wasn't healthy for me to keep bottling it up. Cause I was going to eventually snap.

As I was putting my pajama pants on Daija walked in. "What you thinkin bout Pooh" she questioned sitting on the bed. "I told key today" I confessed. "Awww forreal" she asked pulling me into a hug. Daija was my girl, my good sis, my forever btch. I loved the fact that I could confide and vent to her. I literally told her everything.

"Come here kay" she motioned patting a spot next to her on the bed. "Aight" I stated sitting next to her on the bed. "so what happened how did it come up" she asked. "So I was leaving out my house getting ready to come over here and he caught me at the door" I recalled from earlier. "Damn sis I told you, you gotta be quicker than that" she joked. "Haha girl shut up let me finish" I laughed. "Aight so then he started questioning me and shit cause he saw that I had my bag with me" I told her.

"Mhm" She nodded letting me know she was listening. "Then while we were going back and forth derrick's car pulled up" I continued. "Bitchhh" she gasped. "I know right, I lowkey panicked so I was like we gotta go NOW like right now and we got in his car and just drove" I told her. "Ouuuu" she teased. "Girl chill you know damn well it ain't like that with him" I defended. "Haha yea aight" she said.

"Back to my story tho" I sassed as I playfully rolled my eyes at her. "He pulled over in an empty parking lot" I recalled. "Girl he pulled over in an empty parking lot and you mean to tell me it ain't like that" she stated. "Girl no it's not he pulled over so we could talk but I really didn't plan on telling him anything and he didn't wanna argue about it so we went to sleep" I remembered. "Mhm" she hummed nodding at me.

"Then we woke up and I think we both knew that it was no avoiding the conversation, so we didn't" I said. "He told me what was up with him then I told him what was going on with me" I continued. "That's it" she questioned with a curious face. "Girl no, before I told him I was like you can't get mad or anything cause you know how key get" I stated. "Yea" she agreed. "So after I told him he still got mad and I knew that he was gon try something" I recalled. "Bitch how you know" she asked.

"Girl that's my best friend I know that nigga like the back of my hand" I plainly stated. "Oh true btch" she agreed. "So after begging him not to try and kill him" I said rolling my eyes. "He agreed and was like I gotchu ima make sure you straight" I told her. "So from now on he gon pick me up and drop me off and shit and come with me when I pack my clothes" I said.
"So basically he like my bodyguard now" I laughed.

"Woww btch and all this happened today" she asked. "Girl yes and his lil bitch London tried to fight me" I remembered. "I know you fucking lying" she said. "Bitch no cap the lil hoe tried to run up on me and I wasn't having it so I was like bet but then key strong body ass held me back" I recalled from earlier. "Girl where the fuck was I when all this happened" she questioned. "Ion know sis it was during dismissal time" I stated. "Oh never mind I know where I was" she gushed twirling her hair.

"Oop I think not, you definitely finna tell me about that" I demanded. "I was with Camron of course" She told me gushing. "Girl I know you did not fuck him in school" I gasped. "Bitch no but his horny ass wanted to girl you know I wasn't going for that shit" she said. "Haha girl I can't with you" I stated. "But I'm boutta go to sleep so good night sis" I said getting in my bed turning my lamp off. "Igh bitch night" she said

So what do y'all think so far

Is there a budding romance between key and Kay? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Is key going to go behind Kay's back and hurt Derrick anyway? 😵

Will London pop up again? 🤐

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