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Kay's pov ☁️✨
I ran quickly up the stairs and threw on some jeans and a t-shirt. After I got dressed I went back down stairs to wait for TiTi to pull up. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I noticed the boys were getting up and leaving. "Aight we'll see y'all later" RayRay said heading out door. "Aight love y'all, stay safe" I yelled as they were walking out. "Aight love you too Kay" They shouted back.

After they left out I locked the door behind them and walked back over to the couch with daija. "Wassup pooh why you so quiet" I asked while sitting back in my spot on the couch. "Nothing" she mumbled faintly. "Daij" I said staring at her with a blank face. "Fine Kay" she sighed giving in. "It's this whole shit with mere" she complained.

"Oh you mean when he pulled the condom out on you at the party" I recalled from what she told me. "Yes, like why the hell would he do that" she questioned rolling her eyes. "We were just making out, I don't know how he got the impression that we were gonna fuck in the back of his car at a house party" she said sounding confused. "Like cmon now I'm a classy bitch ion get down like that" she sighed explaining. "Period sis" I hyped up.

"And do he really think I'm easy like that, cause at this point I'm just tryna figure out what gave him the audacity to try that shit with me" she stated


"I don't know girl I think he just used to fucking dem bird bitches, but that's TiTi outside beeping so I gotta go" I told her getting up and grabbing my jacket. "You wanna come with us Pooh" I asked putting on my jacket and grabbing my keys. "Nahh you go have fun" she stated rejecting my offer "Cmonn it'll be fun and it might make you feel better" I insisted trying to convince her to say yes.

"Aight I'll go" she exclaimed smiling from ear to ear. "Yayyy, cmon now let's go before TiTi change her mind and pull off" I laughed walking out the door. "Wait I gotta put my shoes on" Daija shouted rushing to put her shoes on. Once Daij got her shoes on she came outside and I locked the door behind her. Then we walked to TiTi's car.

"Now what the hell took you so long" she scolded. "Her" I lowly spoke pointing to daija in the back. Daija waved giving her a sorry for the inconvenience kind of smile while cringing a little. "Lord, y'all two gone the death of me" she sighed pulling off.

Key's pov 🖤🔑
I was laying down on the couch half way to sleep with patience In my arms when my phone went off. I tried to ignore it at first but it kept chiming so I reached over to the table picking it up to see what was going on. I just glanced at the text messages only getting bits and pieces of what they were saying.

Once I started to actually read what they were saying instead of just skimming the screen. I sat up and rubbed my eyes making sure I was reading it clearly. It was a group chat between the guys, TiTi, and Daij. It was about Kayla's birthday party.

Da Gang 🤟🏽💙
TiTi ❄️
Daija and I are taking her shopping so she'll be out of the way for a while

Did you guys get my address that I sent you?

RayRay 🤪
Yea but are you sure it's gon be empty for the next three days

Yea my momma went to Florida for the weekend with her homegirls something bout a reunion or some shii

RayRay 🤪
Aight cool we boutta pull up in 10
Key you coming to help right??

Yea Yea Ima pull up out there

Mere 🍃💨
Well hurry yo ass up then cause I ain't tryna carry all this shit in by my self

                    Aight nigga im coming damn

After sending that text I stood up and put my phone in my pocket getting ready to leave. But just as I was about to grab my keys off of the table Patience woke up. "babe where you going " she said in a sleepy voice. "I gotta go mama" I said almost in a whisper as I leaned down kissing her forehead. "Okay baby lock the door on your way out" she said before falling back asleep.

I locked the door behind me then got in my car pulling off on my way too Tisha's house.

TiTi pov 🌨❄️
We pulled up in the parking lot outside of Donnie's Shopping Center and turned the car off. "Okay what store y'all wanna hit up first" I plainly asked them. "Ohh let's go to olive olé they be having some bomb fits" Daija suggested eagerly. "Kay" I called out looking at her to see if she agreed with what Daij suggested.

"Yea let's go" she nodded in agreement as we all got up out the car and walked into the store. As we walked into the store a nice looking lady at the front counter greeted us. "Hey how y'all doing" she greeted kindly. "Good" we simply replied. "Is there anything specific your looking for today" she asked. "Umm yes her birthdays on Saturday and we're looking for a outfit" I told the lady.

"Oh I know the perfect section for you ladies" she said guiding us to the back of the store where all these cute dresses and outfits were. "Oh yes this is exactly what we we're talking about thank you" Daija said appreciatively. "Aight Kay how you wanna do this" I questioned her. "I don't know there's so many cute clothes back here and y'all know I'm indecisive" she stated pouting. "It's okay sis we gotchu" Daija and I reassured her at the same time.

"Just go in there and don't come out till we say so ok" Daija said pushing Kayla in the dressing room. "Wait but how am I-"
Kay began to say before I cut her off. "We're gonna pick out stuff for you to try on and see how they look" I explained. "Okay" she said calmly. And with that Daij and I started picking out and putting together multiple outfits for Kay to try on.

Ten minutes later
Ten minutes later Daij and I each came back with three outfits for her to try on. Daija's three ensembles included a short silk royal blue dress. A long sleeve neon green shirt with a feathery trim on the ends of the sleeves and a black leather skirt to go with it. And her last outfit for Kayla was a black short sleeve turtle neck wit a bubble jacket and a red latex skirt.

My outfits that I had picked out for Kay included a light pink dress with a feathery trim at the neck. A light pink jacket with a white turtle neck and a plaid pink skirt. And the last thing I got her was a red wrap around bralette crop top with matching bell leggings.

After examining each other's clothing racks. We knocked on the dressing room door and Kayla came out. "Time to get dressed up" she stated with a huge grin on her face.

This chapter is long overdue. I've just been really caught up with school a lot lately. So unfortunately I can't always get the chapters out to you guys when I want to but Imma still try 💓

Now on to these questions 😽

1. Why didn't Key tell Patience where he was going?

2. Do you think that Daija was overreacting about what happened with Mere?

3. Or do you think Mere was the one trippin

- stay tuned for the next chapter of choices and as always much love babes mwahh 😚💗

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