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Kay's pov ☁️✨
We both froze in panic and embarrassment. "Keshawn put my niece down please" my aunt calmly said with no emotion what so ever. "Yes ma'am" he politely answered then quickly put me down. Daij and TiTi proceeded to walk in the kitchen to put the groceries up and get breakfast ready I'm assuming.

"Kayla go help them" My auntie directed. When she told me to leave keshawn tried to follow behind me but she stopped him before he could enter the kitchen. "Keshawn where you going, Ian tell you to go nowhere" she called out making him stop in his tracks. He turned around and walked back over to my aunt. I just continued minding my business and walked into the kitchen to help Daija and TiTi with the food.

Keshawn on his own I told him to stop playing with me I thought myself. When I got in the kitchen I started picking up grocery bags and taking stuff out of them. It was dead silent until TiTi spoke up. "Soo what we're y'all doing" she questioned curiously. While eyeing me suspiciously like key and I were doing something we had no business doing. "Playing" I simply answered. "Well fighting" I added chuckling a little.

"Girl it didn't look like it" she admitted. "What do you mean" I questioned confused. "TiTi would you stop, you know they're nothing more than friends and doesn't Key have a girl" Daija interjected. "Yea Patience" I confirmed. "So that ain't ever stopped a nigga from cheating before, plus it's Keshawn when has he ever fucked with a female for longer than a week" Tisha criticized. "I mean let's be forreal he's probably not even serious about this girl" she added.

"He is Ti, I've never seen him act this way with a girl before" I defended. "But why are we even debating this I would never fuck with Keshawn anyway girlfriend or not" I stated. "Mhm it didn't look like it in there" Tisha laughed teasing me again. "Tisha I can't fucking stand you, you know that" I said in a questioning tone. "I love you to bitch" she told me before turning the stove on and getting ready to cook the bacon.
Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
After Kayla left me and went in the kitchen it was just Ms.Brittney and I. She pulled me over by the stairway so that no one could see us. "The cake is in the car sitting in the passenger seat take it too Tisha's house and put it in the fridge" she directed me. "Okay gotchu" I responded letting her know I understood what she asked of me.

"Oh and Keshawn" she called out to me. "Yes Ms.Brittney" I answered turning around to see what she wanted. "Don't be fooling around with my niece in my house" she advised me. "Yes ma'am but we weren't foolin-" I tried to explain before she cut me off. "Keshawn I'm not stupid I have eyes and so does everybody else, we all know what's up with you and Kay even if you guys don't realize it yet" she told me.

What the hell does she mean everybody knows what's up with me and Kay. Shit I don't, I'm confused as fuck right now. But I'm not finna tell her that cause I wanna keep my life. "Yes ma'am you got it" I respectfully answered listening to what she'd told me. "Mhm I know I do, now go take that cake to Tisha's house" she told me once again. "Okay" I replied before leaving out the front door to take the cake over TiTi's house.
Meanwhile ...
Kayla's pov☁️✨
"Girl you gon fuck around and burn the bacon" I shouted at Tisha running over to the stove flipping the bacon. "My fault I was trying to get the pancake batter ready" Tisha apologized. "Ughh Daija what are you even doing" I sighed In annoyance. "I'm boutta cook the eggs" she answered taking the eggs out of the fridge.

And that was the smoke alarm going off. "Aight I'm gone" I plainly stated throwing my hands up before walking out the kitchen. I went in the living room looking for Key but I only saw my aunt brittney. "Auntie where's key" I asked her.

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