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Kayla's pov 🤍
I woke up the next morning with a splitting headache and a sticky note on my pillow. that read "I gotta leave early for work this morning so I won't be there when you wake up but there's pizza in the oven if your hungry, love you lil girl ❤️- Aunty

When I got up I put the sticky note on my nightstand and headed to the bathroom to do my hygiene. As I was brushing my teeth I started to get lost in my thoughts. I really wasn't feeling it today. After all the shit that went down last night with Tay and I. I just honestly wanted to crawl back in my bed and never leave.

Some good stuff did happen last night though, like for instance me and Key started back talking again. But I feel like In this case the bad outweighs the good. As I was drifting further and further into my thoughts. Loud laughing from downstairs brought me back to reality. I leaned down over the sink to spit out the toothpaste. After I rinsed out my mouth I went back in my room to put on a T-shirt and some shorts.

Then I went downstairs to see what was going on. When I got down to the bottom of the steps. I looked over and saw the whole gang on the couch playing uno on the coffee table in the living room. "HA DRAW TWO MUTHAFUCKA" Waun yelled at Mere slamming down a uno card. I didn't bother to acknowledge them as I walked past on my way to the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen and went over to the cabinets to get a plate. After I got my plate I sat it down on the counter and walked over to the oven to get some pizza. As I was bending over to get the pizza out the oven, I felt something big brush up against my butt. "Aye my fault Kay, I was just tryna get by and you-" Key started explaining before I cut him off. "It's fine key" I said in a bland tone going back in the oven to get my pizza. "You good Kay" he asked curious and concerned at the same time.

"Mhm" I hummed not even trying to sound remotely convincing. "Cmon Kay, we gon go upstairs and talk about what's bothering you ok" he said in a gentle tone while taking my hand in his guiding me out of the kitchen and up the stairs. "Alright Key" I responded quietly. I was honestly just to tired to try and fight him on this one.

He opened the door to my room and closed it behind him. Then sat in the chair next to my bed. "Aight Kay what's going on with you" he questioned. "I know your going to get mad regardless but can you at least promise me your not-" I started to say before he cut me off. "Kayla just tell me what's up I'm tryna figure out what's wrong with you that's all, so if it'll ease your mind then yes I promise not to take nobody head off ok" he explained reassuring me that he wasn't going to be upset.

"Ok so you remember what happened at the party with that random guy touching all up on me" I recalled back to yesterday night. "Mane of course I do that nigga got blood on my forces" Key complained. "You slow as hell Key" I joked laughing at him. "Aight but look I guess when you dropped me off Tayvon saw us or something, cause a little while after I got in the house he came to my door on bullshit" I told him. "Chill so yo boyfriend a stalker" he asked sparking a pre-rolled blunt that he took out his pocket. "That's not my boyfriend" I stated rolling my eyes. "Oh damn what happened" Key asked exhaling smoke out his mouth.

"I'm tryna tell you damn" I exclaimed. "Aight my fault, proceed with yo story Kk" he apologized. "Aight so this how everything went down" I stated. "So I'm texting Daij right" I paused makin sure he was still listening. "Mhm" he nodded letting me know he was still paying attention to the story. "So she like I'm on my way home or whatever and then my aunt brittney had previously told me that she wasn't coming home until later cause she had to work late" I explained. "Okay" he said ashing his blunt on a piece of paper.

"So then tell me why I hear a muthafucking knock on my door" I said knocking on the wall to demonstrate. "You lyin" he said cracking up. "I'm dead ass, so you know me I'm scared as hell so I go in the kitchen and get a big ass knife" I told him. "Kk was finna hurt somebody" he said chuckling. "You already know" I stated agreeing with him.

"So boom I creep to the door real slow and smooth right" I recalled from last night. "Mane you gotta be making this shit up" he said as he busted out laughing. "I swear on my life I'm not" I said seriously. "Aight then what happened" he asked. "So I got the knife with me just incase shit go side ways" I stated. "Right" he agreed. "I open the door and it's Tayvon bum ass" I told him. "Word" he questioned. "Yes, and mind you he was supposed to meet me at the party but he stood me up" I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Damn best that's foul" Key said shaking his head in disgust. "I know right, so I'm like what do you want" I explained. "He gon basically tell me I needa calm down, and that he know I'm mad because he stood me up but I needa chill on the attitude" I said annoyed. "Yo this nigga a goofy" Key stated inhaling his blunt. "Yea but long story short, we started arguing and he was like it couldn't have been that bad being that I left with you" I told him.

"But it's wasn't even like that" Key defended. "I know Key and that's why I snapped on him, I told him what happened at the party and why I left with you and then I shut the door in his face" I stated ending my story. "Woww Kay that's crazy, but look that nigga is no reason for you to be frowning" he told me. "I know Key but it just hurts cause he wasn't there when I needed him and then on top of that he accused me of cheating" I sighed explaining my emotions.

"Kayla you know what happened when we left that party so It doesn't matter what the fuck he THINKS went down" Key nonchalantly stated. "Screw him for even having the audacity to accuse you of some dumb shit like that" he said beginning to sound irritated. "He lucky I promised you I wouldn't do nothing, or else I would've laid him out" Key explained.

"It's cool Keshawn I don't need you to do anything, I'm actually really happy that you were chill this whole time well up until now" I stated laughing at the last part. "Yea I'm trying to be better about my temper so you don't feel nervous talking to me about certain stuff" he admitted. "Aww really" I questioned unable to believe he would actually do that for me.

"Of course Kay" he answered reassuring my question. "Thanks Key, I really appreciate it" I thanked bringing him into a warm hug. "You don't have to thank me Kay, Id do anything for you" he stated. And as we were hugging his phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket then began reading a message. "I gotta go Kk, you good" he questioned making sure I was okay before he left. "Yea Key I'm fine, a little sad that your going to leave me with those crackheads but I'm aight" I told him.

"I'm sorry Kay I gotta go see what's up with Patience real quick" he apologized grabbing his jacket and putting it on. "Whose Patience" I questioned.

Hey y'all ❤️, so I know nothing much really happened in this chapter. Just her telling Key what happened but I thought you guys might wanna get his reaction to what happened.

Let me know if you liked it or not. And comment if you want me to make more chapters like this. Now let's get to these questions Pooh😘

Questionss ❄️
1. How do you think Kay will react to Key telling her about Patience 🧐

2. Is this really it for Kayla and Tayvon 🤦🏾‍♀️

3. What do you guys think about Keshawn keeping his temper in check this time 🤔

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