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Keshawn's pov 🖤
I arrived at Patience house ready to pick her up for the party. I went to our messages and texted her.

Patience 💚
You ready ma

Nah babe I got food poisoning I can't go

You want me to come in there and stay with you

No I look like shit right now just got to the party without me

You sure mama? If you don't feel good I can come in there it's no problem

Yea I'm sure baby go have fun

Aight ima check on you later


I started the car and pulled off heading to the party. I wasn't going to be there long since patience wasn't with me. I was just going to chill with the guys for a lil while and then leave.


Kayla's pov 🤍
An hour had gone by and Tay still wasn't here. TiTi and Daij both left me once they saw mere and waun. I wasn't enjoying my self at all and to make matters worse I couldn't even leave since I rode with them. So I was just sitting on the kitchen counter with my drink watching everybody else have a good time but me.

I got to the bottom of my cup and realized I still wasn't intoxicated. I hopped off the counter and went to refill my cup. I was way too sober to deal with this terrible night. If I was going to get through it I at least needed to be a little buzzed. As I was pouring up my drink I felt somebody rubbing up against me. I turned around and it was this random guy that appeared to be drunk.

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Get the fuck off of me" I stated trying to get out of his grip. By this time he had started kissing on my neck. "Ughh stop fucking touching me, nigga move" I screamed as I tried to push him away from me.

What the fuck was this really happing to me. Where were my friends, where was my boyfriend. Oh my goodness please don't let me get raped tonight. Someone please help me. I thought to myself as I wrestled with him trying to get out of his grip.

Out of nowhere this tall guy appeared and punch the dude in his face. I couldn't see who it was cause everything was happing so fast. Before I knew it i was standing outside in front of a frantic, worried, and bloody Keshawn. I didn't know what was going on I was just happy to be safe.

"Are you aight Kayla" Keshawn asked scanning me for any bruises or scars. "I'm fine Key" I whimpered starting to tear up. He pulled me into a warm and long embrace that I felt like would last forever. He started to pull away and then I said something that felt right in the moment. "Please don't let go Key" I softly said hugging him tighter. "Okay ma I won't" he whispered.

Mean while ....

Daija's pov ❤️
The party was mad wack so mere and I dipped off to do our own thing. We were making out in his car when suddenly he pulled out a condom. "Boy what the fuck you finna do with that" I exclaimed in shock.

"I was about to use it but if you got a latex allergy we can go raw" he explained nonchalantly. "Shamere take me home" I simply said getting off of his lap and sitting in the passenger seat. "Dee-" he started to say before I cut him off. "You know where my house is right" I said ignoring what he was about to say. "Yea" he sighed starting the car and pulling off.

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