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Kayla's pov ✨☁️
I woke up the next morning and my body was sore. I laid in bed for about ten minutes just to prepare myself for the pain that I was about to endure when I tried to stand. I took the cover off of me and gently moved my feet to the floor.

I stood up slowly trying not to put too much pressure on them and limped towards the bathroom. I looked at my half swollen face in disgust. I started to whimper but then quickly stopped once I heard a voice.

"You good Kay" Daija questioned getting up and walking to the bathroom. Before I quickly slammed the door closed. "Yea Pooh these cramps are just killing me" I lied clearing my throat so that she couldn't hear the silent cries in my voice.

"You sure sis" she said leaning on the other side of the door sounding concerned. "Yea babe I'm fine, ima just be In here for a while" I reassured in the most convincing tone I could.

"Okay" she said hesitantly before walking out of the room. I rummaged through the cabinet and found my make-up brush and some concealer. I started to apply tons of make up to cover the bruises on my face. But not too much to the point where it would look clumpy.

I cracked open the bathroom door then peaked my eye out making sure that Daija was gone. After noticing that the cost was clear I went to the door and locked it. Then I headed to my closet to find some jeans and a long sleeve shirt.

I went back to the bathroom to look in the mirror again and find the places I would have to hide. There were bruises on my arms, legs, and thighs where he had kicked and punched me at. Then there was a humongous mark on my neck. That just about completely covered it. Which was where he had choked me last night.

I tried to blend the mark in some with make up so that it wouldn't be visible. But it was no use the mark was too large I mean it almost completely covered my whole neck. So I went back in my closet to search again for something that would cover my neck. I ended up finding a black turtle neck.

But the only drawback is that it's literally in middle of March. And the heat had been sweltering lately. So people would find it off that I was wearing this for sure. But I had no other choice so I just put it on and threw a light jacket over it. Maybe that'll draw people's attention away from me cause it'll look a little less odd. Maybe.

I threw on a pair of forces and headed down stairs. I quickly grabbed my keys and walked out the doors. Completely ignoring my aunt Brittney and Daija as they were sitting at the table eating. I needed to be out of sight and out of mind.

And more than anything I needed to stay as far away from Keshawn Williams as humanly possible. I couldn't risk bumping into him and have him notice that I was acting weird. Or how I was dressed. So I hopped in my car and drove my own self to school.
Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
After everything that happened last night I still got up the next morning ready to pick Kay up for school. I mean it was a little awkward at first last night after our kiss. But I just brushed it off hoping that Kay would too.

I didn't mean to kiss her, she just looked so fucking beautiful and I got caught up in the moment. I never meant overstep my boundaries. But l couldn't help it and Kay looked like she couldn't either cause she kissed me back. But I shook that thought outta my head as I grabbed my jacket and car keys heading to her house.

20-25 minutes later ...
I turned the car off and got out walking to her front door. I knocked and Ms.Brittney opened up letting me in. "Hey Keshawn she greeted walking back to the dining table. "Hey Ms.Brittney, where's Kay" I asked noticing she wasn't downstairs. "She left out earlier Keshawn" she informed me.

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