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Keshawn's pov 🖤🔑
After I got back from Daija's house yesterday I sat in silence for a while and thought about everything. I basically re-evaluated my whole situation. With Patience, Kayla, shit everything really.

I decided to text Patience and tell her I needed space. I didn't want to call it a breakup cause that's not necessarily what it was. I just really needed to get the fuck away from her. She was smothering me and it was driving me crazy.

So when I got back home that night I told her I was going to be staying to myself for a while til I figured out how I felt about things with her. As you could guess she didn't take that well at all.

She totally snapped. Saying that I was cheating on her this whole time, that I didn't love her, and when she found the bitch I was cheating with she was going to raise hell.

I just let her throw her little temper tantrum then told her I loved her and hung up. But In present time I was sitting in my car parked across the street from Daija and Kayla's house.
Omniscient 🔐💚
After going over Daija's house and talking with her yesterday Patience wasn't the only thing on his mind. Kayla also was, Kayla was often inside Keshawn's head circling his thoughts. But it was more reoccurring this time. All night he was tossing and turning thinking about her.

Was she really doing good or did Daija lie. Why would Daija lie though. Is she really truly happy. Are just some of the many things that he laid awake that night wondering. So he settled all the roaming thoughts in his head and took Daija's previous advise that she had given him.

Which was to simply talk to Kay for him self. Ask all the stuff he wanted to ask her and really see if she was happy or not. Because one thing about Kayla and Key's relationship that was for sure. Was that Kayla's mouth could do all the lying it wanted to but once they were in the same space. Keshawn could just look at her face and get all the answers he needed and vise versa.

So he finally texted her and asked if they could link and catch-up. Fortunate enough for Kayla, Tayvon wasn't in the room with her. He had been leaving in the afternoon and wouldn't come back til the wee hours of the morning. Which was great for Kay since she couldn't stand being around him anyway.

And this was a lot more safer for her to do what she wanted to do for the remainder of the time til he came back. She could go home without having to physically fight him about it. She could go eat or go shopping just do what ever it was that she wanted. And she enjoyed it that way. It made her feel a little bit better about her situation.

So when her best friend texted her asking if they could spend some quality time together since they haven't seen one another in a while. Her heart practically leaped out of her chest. She had been going through so much these past couple of weeks and was missing Keshawn more than ever now.

After calming down and gaining back her composure she happily texted him saying she was down for it. It was decided somewhere later in the conversation that he'd pick her up from her house. But to her knowledge Key didn't know that she was back with Tayvon and practically living with him. So she got in her car and quickly drove home before Keshawn got there.
Kayla's pov 🤍🍯
I turned the nob after unlocking the door with my key and walked in. I was already dressed so I didn't need to go up stairs and do anything. I had previously texted both Daij and Ti telling them about Key so they knew what was up.

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