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Keshawn pov 🖤🔫
Once we got in the car I didn't know where to go so we were just riding around. Kay was being weird as hell and when that car came she got really jumpy. Somethings up with her I don't know what it is but I intended to find out before we went back. "Kay wassup with you, you been acting unusual this whole time and before you try to deny it. It's me kay I love you I'm not gon judge" I stated putting my hand on my chest.

"Key I cant I just can't" she whispered staring out the window. At this point I KNEW for sure that something was wrong with her and that just wasn't sitting right with me. So I pulled into the nearest empty parking lot so we could talk.

After I pulled up I turned the car off. I pushed my seat back unbuckled myself then reached over and unbuckled her. I pulled her on top of me and put her in my lap. She was sitting facing me with her legs folded under her thighs on the side of my lap.

She was laying on my chest pouting cause she knew where this was going. "Kay" I softly spoke as I gently lifted her off of me.  She was now leaning against the steering wheel with her hands covering her face. "Kay you gotta look at me" I whispered. "Key please... please don't make me" she pleaded. I didn't know what to do I couldn't take her back home and something was going on but at the same time I wasn't going to bully her into telling me.

"Aight baby I won't right now ok" I consoled as she laid on my chest and I rubbed her back. "Ok" she mumbled into my chest. She was clearly distressed and I wasn't taking her back home but I couldn't take her to my house so we just sat in my car. For a small moment in time everything was fine I wasn't homeless, Kay didn't have to deal with whatever was bothering her, we were ok really.

45 mins later
    That was ... until we woke up

When we woke up. Reality hit us at full throttle and so did all our problems. We had no choice but to finally face them. For a minute we just sat there in silence. If kay wasn't going to be vulnerable first I guess I was going to have to. No more overthinking about what's going to happen. She's my best friend, I love her I'm always going to love her. My situations not going to change that and neither is hers. Here goes nothing.

"I'm homeless Kay" I murmured while holding her. "What" she questioned sitting up. "I'm homeless that's why sometimes I'm gone for weeks at a time and nobody see's or hears from me I've been trying to find somewhere to live" I sighed feeling embarrassed and ashamed. I turned my head looking out the window I didn't want her to see me like this. I felt empty and hollow like my most important secrets had just been exposed. She was still sitting in my lap though. She turned my face and wiped a tear I didn't know was falling.

"Why didn't you tell me I could've helped you" she asked concerned. "I didn't want to tell you cause I thought you would feel sorry for me and look at me differently like I wasn't the same key I've always been" I gently spoke. She tilted my head up so I had no choice but to face her. "I love you and I always will whether you have a house or not" she reassured with glossy eyes and plump lips. "I just wish you would've told me so I could've helped you, remember what you told me earlier it's me I love you I would never judge you" she referred to earlier repeating me.

"Yea my mom she uhh she kicked me out for selling weed and before you cuss me out the money was for the house she was missing rent payments and the landlord was going to kick us out" I confessed. She just hugged me tight and in that moment that's what I needed most. Just to know that I wasn't alone. To physically feel her skin against me but also mentally know she'd always be there for me.

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