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Omniscient 🔐💚
After Kayla left that night Key couldn't stop thinking about her. About what he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her that he loved her ... that he'd always love her and that she was the one for him.

He knew he had already found his soulmate. But unfortunately Keshawn just couldn't get the words out. All he was able to say was "I love you Kay". Which was enough for her to hear but not nearly enough for him to say.

He wanted to tell her so badly. But he often got choked up around Kay when it came to telling her stuff like this. So he figured the best solution to his problem would be to just not think about it.

Blurt it out even, just don't get caught up in your thoughts. So as he was in the kitchen popping popcorn for their movie night. He decided that he'd no longer withhold this information from Kay. And that at any random moment during the night his mouth would spew out everything his heart was feeling.

"Got the popcorn" he told her bring out a big bowl of buttery popcorn along with some capri-sun's he found in the fridge. "Perfect" she breathed grinning from ear to ear. Her fat self, Key thought chuckling a bit. "I picked a movie out but I don't know if you'll like it" she explained to him.

"What is it" he asked sitting next to her on the couch. "To all the boys I've loved before" she read off the screen. "But it's the new one they just put out" she informed him. "Oh isn't this that movie you had me watch with the letters and shit" he questioned.

"Yea" she nodded letting him know he was right "oh cool, I fuck with this" he stated throwing some popcorn in his mouth. "I mean we already watched the first two" he mentioned. "Why not" he added on.

"Say less" she simply stated before turning on the movie. They snuggled up on the couch with his arm around Kay and her leaning into him. As they ate popcorn and watched the movie. In the middle of the movie Kay paused it.

"We're outta popcorn" she said before getting up and going to the kitchen to make some more. Meanwhile Key's thoughts were eating at him all night. Do it, nows the perfect time. But I'm scared. Don't think remember. Just tell her nigga. Tell her, Tell her, Tell her. Keshawn's thoughts were screaming at him now and it was undeniably clear what they wanted him to do.

"Kayiminlovewithyou" he blurted so fast that even he himself didn't understand what he said. "Huh I didn't hear you" she said walking in the living room to see what he was talking about. Shit. He thought to his self. The face to face thing is what got him every time.

But there was nothing he could do now but tell her the truth. He took a deep breath before repeating what he said but much slower this time. "I'm in love with you Kay" he sighed confessing his true feelings for her.

"What" she asked taken back by what he said. "I'm in love with you" he said again but a little calmer this time. "It's what I wanted to say in the car yesterday but my words got choked up" he told her. "I'm sorry for telling you like this after everything you've been through" he breathed rubbing his hand down his face.

"I don't mean to put anything else on you or stress you out more but I couldn't hold it in any longer" he explained. "Being around you these past couple of months and not being able to tell you how I really feel has been killing me" he sighed expressing his feelings.

"So I didn't know what else to do, but this" he told her. "Tell you the truth about how I feel" he added on. Kayla was in total shock. She didn't know what to say at all. She didn't even think there were words in the english language that could communicate what she was feeling. Let alone what she wanted to say.

"I'm sorry I made it weird, it's aight I'll leave" he apologized before getting his stuff and heading towards the door. And as soon as his hand touched that nob. Kay somehow found her words to speak again. "Don't" she blankly stated with sternness in her voice.

"What" Key turned around confused. "Don't leave" Kay breathed out. "Kay it's cool, I get it if you don't feel the same you don't have to keep me around for pity or anything like-" Key started to say but got cut off by Kay's lips sucking on his. Her lips we're soft and sweet. The kiss was slow and longing as it had been something they both always wanted. But thought they'd never come close enough to getting.

Kay intertwined her hands in Key's hair pulling him in as close as he could possibly get. As she yearned for more of his taste on her lips. She pulled away breathlessly before saying something. "I've loved you since I was fifth-teen" she stated panting some.

"You were the first boy I ever loved" she continued. "And in some ways I always compared every guy I dated to you" she added on. "Wether it was the way they talked, worked, or carried their selves in general" she explained. "They just never hit like Key did" she told him.

"Why didn't you say something Kay, we could've been together this whole time" he wondered. "Because Key" she stressed. "I had a choice to tell you or not to" she breathed out. "And I choose not to cause I didn't think it was the right time, I was also scared of fucking up our friendship" she added on.

"I understand Kay" he softly spoke bringing her in for a hug. "I love you Keshawn" she told him looking into his eyes. "I love you more Kayla" he replied looking into hers.

In that moment it all clicked for them. Keshawn finally understood what Ms.Brittney meant when she said everybody knew what was up with them even if they didn't realize it yet. And Kay finally peeped what Daija meant when she said Key loves her more than she could ever fully comprehend. It was all coming full circle for them.

Key and Kay couldn't have been more happy than they were in that moment. Standing in each other's arms just enjoying every second of it.
Excuse any errors 🧡
We're almost at the end of choices 💚!
Excuse me while I go cry for a minute 😭🤚🏽. Whew this was a lottt for me. I'm not trying to get too sentimental now lol. But I want to thank you guys for reading and allowing me to tell you the story of two pretty best friend Lmaoo.

But seriously thanks.
I love y'all
xoxo, Niya 💋

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