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Five weeks later ...
Kay's pov 🤍✨
"You ready" Daija asked me while zipping up her gown. "Honestly, yes and no" I told her fidgeting with my hands a little. "Girl it'll be fine just breath okay this is our moment" she said trying to calm me.

"You're right, this is what we've been waiting on for the past fours years of our lives" I agreed getting hype a little. "Yoooo are y'all ready to graduate" TiTi came in shouting. "Hell yea" I yelled back answering her.

"Let's go then ladies" she calmly stated holding out each of her arms for us to take. We walked out of my room and drove to RayRay's house to meet up with the boys and drive to the school together from there.

About twenty five minutes later we pulled up outside of Rayshawn's house and turned off the car before going in. I knocked on the door waiting for them to open up. "Yoo sisooo" Ray shouted in my face opening the door. "Wassup Ray" I greeted back giving him a hug.

"Come in fellow graduates" he brightly cheered letting us in. "Heyyooo" Ti exclaimed throwing her hands up as she walked in the door. When we walked in we were met by Key, Mere, and Waun taking shots in the kitchen.

"Ohh pour up one for me" I grinned seeing a nice sized bottle of Henny on the table. "Say less" Waun nonchalantly shrugged before grabbing a shot glass for me. "Hey baby" Key greeted giving me a peck on the lips. "Wassup bae" I greeted back. Key and I had been dating for a little while now after he confessed his feelings for me.

And we've been doing really good. It's like we were both where we were always meant to be. So it didn't really feel weird or anything like that. He was already spending a lot of time at my house so there wasn't really a huge difference.

I guess you could say the only thing that changed was the title. He was now my best friend and my boyfriend. "Waun I'm happy to see that you're in a gown today" I proudly grinned at my brother.

After we got on Waun a little bit about taking school seriously. He took our advice and started staying after and making up all his missing assignments. And he started going to school everyday which averaged out his attendance a little bit so that he was able to graduate.

"Shiiid all that work I did, you're damn right I was gonna be wearing one of these robes today" he joked before throwing a shot back. TiTi and Daij had come over and we all took group shots together. "Whew, that's some good shit right there" Tisha said chasing down her shot with some apple juice.

"Shut up TiTi" I laughed teasing her some. "Oh shit we gotta go y'all" Daija exclaimed looking at her phone. "We're gonna be late" she said running out to the car. Everybody hastily followed behind her into my car.

We made it do the school within fifteen minutes thanks to me running a couple of red lights. We saw a couple parents walking in the building and then Tisha pulled out her phone. "Five minutes til it's time to walk across the stage" TiTi anxiously informed us.

"BOOK IT, BOOK IT, BOOK IT" I yelled out to them before taking my heels off and running toward the school. And with that my friends took off after me. The ceremony was outside the school in front of the building. We were in the back of the school cause that's where the parking lot was.

So we had to run from the back to the front of the school if we were gonna make it there in time. And we also had individual spots in line that we had to get into since they were calling us up by alphabetical order. We made it to the front then quickly got in our spots while they were calling out the people who's last names started with A. Luckily for us none our last names started with A.

After about twenty five minutes went by they were calling all of our names up before we knew it. "Shamere Fields" the principal called out as Mere walked across the stage in his cap and gown with his smile gleaming. "Daija Moore" They called out. "Whooo GO SISS" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Tisha Neal" They called up. "YEAAA TITI" Daij and I shouted I unison.

"Antwaun Reeds" They announced. "YESSIIRRR WAUN" we all cheered. "Rayshawn Scott" the principal called out. "THATS MY BABY" Ms.Scott screamed from the crowed. "Kayla Summers" the principal announced as my name rang out  of the speakers.

I walked up the steps and across the stage as I began shaking hands with teachers and administrators. I got to the principal and he handed me my diploma. "Congratulations Ms.Summers" he smiled. "Thank you" I thanked him before grabbing my diploma and looking at the crowd smiling. "YEAAA KAYYY" I heard my friends scream for me In unison.

I made it, I thought to myself as I walked off the stage and back to where my friends were. "I'm so proud of you sis" Daija said bringing me into a tight hug which Ti then joined. "We did it yall, we're high school graduates" Ti exclaimed to Daija and I.

We stood in line for thirty more minutes before they called out the people's last names that started with W. And that's where my baby came in to place. "Keshawn Williams" The principal called out. "AHHHH THATS MY BAEE" I screamed out. "YEAA KEYY" I added on shouting some more.

After about twenty minutes passed they were done. All of us students gathered together in a group waiting for the big moment. The principal went on for a little bit of a ramble. Talking about how proud of us he was and how much of a pleasure it's been for him to watch all of us grow these past four years.

Then suddenly someone shouted something. "CUT TO THE CHASE" a random guy yelled. The principal chuckled before saying something. "Okay I see, I'm talking too much huh" he questioned. "YESS" we all shouted. "Okay well it is my greatest honor to present to you, the class of 2021" he exclaimed. And with that we all chucked our caps in the air.

Everyone was screaming and some were even crying but the message over all is that we were very happy. Who'd have thought that this crazy year for me would all start out with a choice. Hmm kinda ironic if ya ask me.

============================That's it guys! Thank you so much for reading choices I really appreciate it

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That's it guys! Thank you so much for reading choices I really appreciate it. And I hope you liked the story.

Xoxo, Niya outttt ✌🏽
Luv y'all 💚

Ps: Be on the lookout for my new book "R u still down"

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