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Kayla's pov 🤍
Shortly after Daij came in last night Tay left. I genuinely liked spending time with him. He's mad cool, funny, and really sweet. Just his whole demeanor is really a vibe. Damn I think I'm starting to catch feelings for this nigga. But would that really be so bad though?

But aside from thinking about Tayvon. I was missing my best friend. I know I told Daij that I wasn't going to kiss his ass and I'm not. But I just feel like this is longest we've ever gone with out talking to each other. I just don't want to loose a friendship that means so much to me over pettiness and pride. But at the same time a part of me feels like if he felt the same he would've already said something to me.

I really love key and right now I was missing him daily. But I was to stubborn to say or do anything about it. I didn't have time to sit around and sap about it though. I had to get to school. Mere was dropping daija off at school and even though I didn't want to intrude.

Because it's obvious that they have something going on. She insisted that I go with them. In fact she said and I quote, "You can come by choice or you can come by force". So i decided to save my hair the trouble of being ripped out my scalp and just go with them. I told her that I was coming, I just needed to get my jacket and lock the door.

Ma Otha Half ⛓💕
Bring yo ass Kayla

                                 Aight damn I'm coming

I picked up my jacket and headed for the door. I locked it and then went to the car. "Finally, it's about time you got in, I thought I was gon have to come in there and drag you out" Daij scolded. "You hear this mere, you see how your girl be treating me" I told mere. I just wanted to tease him a lil bit cause I know he likes her.

"Ian got nothing to do with it that's y'all business" he stated laughing. "Cmon mere you need to hurry up before we're late for school" Daij demanded. "Chill Dee we gon make it there in time" he consoled while rubbing his hand on her thigh.

This is what I meant when I said I didn't want to intrude. But I was already in the car so it's not like I can just open the door and tuck and roll out. They weren't paying me any mind though so I just put my head phones in and zoned out.

  Fifteen minutes later

We pulled up to the school and thank god we weren't late. I could not get another tardy from ms.Johnson she would've given me a detention. So I quickly told mere and Daij that I'd see them later and was off to class. "thanks for the ride mere I'll see y'all later" I said as I started parting ways with them. "Aight Kayla" they said in sync. Give it a week and they'll be joined at the hip.

I had to stop at my locker on my way to ms. Johnson's class so I could get my text books. As I was getting my stuff out my locker I over heard an annoyingly familiar voice yelling at someone. When I looked up to see who it was. I was very much confused when I saw London's desperate ass yelling at Keshawn with her hands all in his face and shit.

Speaking terms or not, that was still my best friend and I wasn't about to stand idly by while some bum bitch was all in his face speaking to him like that. So I closed my locker and sat my books on the floor. The hall way was cleared since it was only five minutes before the late bell. So I didn't have to push through a lot of people to get to them.

I tied my hair up just incase shit hit the fan. I walked over there and stood in front of Keshawn. So she could get the fuck out of his face. "Ima need you to bag back shordy you all in his face for what" I cautioned cause she was really close to getting fucked up. "Hoe why are you here, you always getting in shit that doesn't have anything to do with you damn" she shouted in my face.

I was usually really good with keeping my temper in check. But not this time. I just want to beat her ass ONCE just once she deserves it for all the shit she talks. And I was going to get my ones with that hoe today. So just as she got done yelling in my face. I swung and hit her dead in hers. She feel to the ground and before I could continue what I started.

Key grabbed me up and took me away from the situation before I could get another hit in. As he walked away I was kicking and screaming down the hall. Meanwhile London had gotten up and ran off in the direction of the nurses office.

I was so furious I didn't get my ones with her. Like why does he keep doing this shit. Every time I come even remotely close to beating her up he stops me, EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. I don't get it why the fuck does he keep saving her. It's not like she doesn't deserve it for all the bullshit she starts. At this point she's called me out my name, tried to fight me, and tried to cause trouble for me and mines.

So why, why does he keep holding me back. All the thoughts and feelings began to overload in my head. And as a result I started to cry. I wasn't crying cause I was sad though. I was crying because I was hurt. It just pissed me off and confused me all at the same time.

While all this was going on we heard heels clicking on the empty tile floor and a walkie talkie going off. The bell had previously rang when me and London were arguing. So We weren't supposed to be in the halls.

He quickly with out looking threw me in the corner of a small confined janitors closet. He stood close against me in the corner so that we weren't in the eyesight of the door way. We were so close I could feel his breath on my neck. I was still quietly weeping as we heard the footsteps coming closer. He covered my mouth with his hand trying to muffle the sound. He leaned down to my ear and whispered. "Shh it's aight Kay I'll explain every thing later okay you just gotta be quiet alright" he assured me.

"Mhm" I answered nodding my head letting him know I understood. We heard the footsteps getting further and further away until they faded entirely. Key walked over to the door and looked out the doorway to make sure nobody was there. "We're good" he said exhaling a breath. And with that brief statement I was out of there. I brushed passed him as I opened the door and walked out.

I was putting my books back in my locker and getting ready to leave. I was already late for ms.Johnson's class and I wasn't about to go get a tardy just so she could give me detention. Plus I didn't really feel like being at school anyway. Since I rode with daija and mere I was going to catch the city bus home.

I was half way down the hall about to walk out the door when I heard someone calling my name in the distance. I turned around to see who was calling me and I saw keshawn running in my direction trying to catch me before I walked out. I stopped to see what he wanted. "What key I gotta go" I stated annoyed. "Look Kay I know your mad at me but I'm tired of us not speaking, I don't wanna argue anymore so just let me give you a ride home and I'll explain everything" he insisted.

"Aight whatever key" I agreed as we walked out to his car.


Questions 💕
1. Do you think they're going to just hash everything out and be cool again?

2. Or do you think things between them are too far gone to be saved?

3. Did you peep that little steamy moment they had in the janitors closet?

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