A/N: My Opinions

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Hey y'all, i'm currently writing part 39 and i'm struggling so i, queen of norta, shall give you this chapter of my opinions on the series, if you haven't finished the whole series, GO OFF YOUR LAZY BUTT AND FINISH THE BOOKS!! (sorry vera if your reading this, she hasn't read the books because she's stubborn, lol) anywayyyyyy, here we go

as much as i love mare, she can be so flipping annoying

maven is bisexual, just like meeee (yep, just came out to y'all, i'm bi, if you don't like it, fight me)

elara was the main villain, and the better one

maven is actually innocent, elara just brainwashed him into becoming a monster (he's my monster tho, no touch)

red queen was the best book

glass sword was the worst book, don't get me started, took me a flipping month to read it i got so bored, after cameron was introduced i was asleep half the time

kings cage was average, hated seeing maven like that

bathtub scene was the best scene in kings cage

cal was a idiot in war storm

iris wasn't even there, she was just forgotten

eve is just misunderstood, just like maven

shades death was depressing but necessary to shape mares character

maven didn't die, we saw no body, and our love is to strong for him to die

cameron being abducted was necessary for the plot

cameron's povs were so long and boring

mavens povs gave him no mercy, they messed him up

cal's povs were forgettable (just remembered them now)

iris was just, never there

iris is ace, asexual, or aromatic

the best ship is me x maven

mareven is better than marecal (fight me)

some questions I have about the series, comment if you had the same ones, i wanna see if we are similar on these:

why are new bloods more powerful than silvers and why aren't they taken seriously if they are strong, why can't silvers use them as a weapon or something, they know they are stronger than they are, why don't they ever use this?

what color blood would a silver and red have? like a rose silver thing? i take this up in later chapters so stay tuned.

why did maven die from a flipping letter opener, he's a tough boi and just, dead.... no, why?

why did glass sword suck?

okay enough of my ranting, have an amazing new year, i'll try to update, this is a break ch from all the heat going on, love y'all

hannah calore

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