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When my eyes open all I see is a black scene and I can feel a warm body next to me. My head immediately goes into searing pain when I sit up. I wince as I do so, my head swims in pain with every breath I take. That's what I get for being drunker than an alcoholic.  I gasp for air once I feel the pain subside, but it's still a stab. 

I try to recall what happened but it's fuzzy.  I look around the dark room, trying to see where I am.  I can tell it's not the usual environment I am in, and I am on the side of the bed I don't sleep on.  I feel around me until I feel a body beside me.  Frommy senses, it isn't Maven.  Then everything floods back. 

Tiberius Calore was next to me, and I had sex with him. 

Oh god, Maven would kill me if he found out I had a love affair. 

Did I do it out of love, or just being a drunk idiot.  When I was with Cal, I loved him dearly, maybe those feelings buried in my heart needed to be released, explains why I did what I did. 

I decide it's best to leave this situation, get back to where I am supposed to be before Cal and I have an interaction.  When my cold bare feet hit the carpet and when I stand I experience a sharp pain in my stomach, taking me aback.  I place a hand over my stomach where the stab hit, my stomach is warm, either from Cal or pain.  It was at the moment the pain in my lower abdomen left me I realized I was only in my bra.  I bite my lip from saying something stupid to myself. 

I use my feet to feel for my clothes.  I find my underwear first, I slide it through my legs and they wrap around my womanhood perfectly.  Once I finish that task I find my dress.   I stumble over Cal's uniform, his fabric being softer than my bejeweled short dress.  I find it by stepping on it, making my foot hurt as I do so,  I try my hardest to not gasp in pain, then I remember how deep of a sleeper Cal can be, and he's hung over so who knows, best not to risk it. 

It's a hard task to get the dress on all by myself, but I manage with enough.  Then I find a crack of a door, unlock it with a click and leave the room with the door creaked open so I don't make a shutting sound.  Then I walk away. 

While I navigate my way back to my room, I ponder.  I realize how stupid I am, that I did that.  I told myself not to, but I did anyway.  Being an idiot I did.  It was enjoyable, felt good, but I can't have that happen again.  I am to be married in a month to a person I love dearly, hate to say it, but the love of my life. I loved Maven before and after our mistakes. He trusts me, I trust him, we can't be breaking that. It isn't my turn to betray him, even though I somewhat did. Screw me for doing it.

When I find my room, the door is half open and dimly lit. I stop myself before I fully walk in. I feel my eyes dilate, if Maven wakes up what will I tell him? That I had sex with his brother, my "ex- boyfriend"? Or just lie. Both seem like terrible options to do. He'd be furious either way. I didn't want to make him angry, let alone at me.

I grab the door handle reluctantly, I take a deep sigh before I open the door slowly.

Once I get in fully, I turn the doorknob while I close the door so I don't wake Maven. He's asleep in our bed, snoring lightly. The door closes with a quiet click, quiet but enough to make Maven stir in his sleep, I hold my breath as he growls in his sleep. He eventually comes to his senses and wakes up. I bite my lip. This isn't what I wanted.

He sits up in a grumble and he turns on his bedside light, making me twitch. He locks eyes with me, I can assume I look like a mess, from Cal's fingers running through my hair, me putting on my wrinkled clothes and my make up being smeared from pillows, blankets, and Cal's forceful kisses. I shudder in pain at the memory of what I just did. Don't cry.

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