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Hey y'all, sorry I disappeared for a week I was at my summer camp.


As my eyes opened, the sunshine stung my eyes and the smell of fresh laundry on the sheets and blankets.

Maven lay awake next to me; his breathing isn't as slow and quiet as it is in sleep. I rub the cobwebs out of my eyes and do a small groan.

"Good morning, my lovely wife," Maven tells me sweetly. I bury my face in the sheets, hiding my blush from him.

I feel him chuckle, his vibrations from his laughter making me go tense.

"How sweet," He mutters with a teasing notion in his inflection.

"Stop," I squeak. I only earn another chuckle out of him as I reveal my face. He takes my left hand, squeezing it lightly. He runs his pointer finger over each of mine, rubbing lazy circles over each knuckle and callous.

He slows at my ring finger. He fiddles with the two rings on it, one being glamorous with a large diamond in the center, other gems of ruby and obsidian around it. The new one, a silver band with seven small diamonds around it standing for our bond of marriage.

"Will we have a honeymoon?" I ask him abruptly. He sighs loudly, stressfully. He sits up, making me fall from his chest where I was resting.

"About that," He rubs the back of his neck. I sit up next to him. "Yes, we are having a honeymoon."

I smile, cherishing the fact that I will have some time to spend alone with Maven. Away from the royal chaos, baby chaos, chaos of life.

"But here is the thing, I tried to avoid this as much as I could, but it is Silver tradition, tonight we have to walk through the city to get to our carriage before we leave," He explains solemnly. "I tried to work around it but it's a royal thing."

"It's alright Maven, it's perfectly fine, I understand," I take his arm, showing him affection and reassurance.

"I don't mean to stress you out like this, I can imagine it isn't good for..." He slowly trails off. I can instantly infer what he is worried about.

"Mavey, I am perfectly fine, so is the baby, I haven't had any pain and I haven't thrown up since we found out," I say, hoping I can put Maven's mind to rest.

"I am glad about that bit of it," He looks more peaceful as he takes in my information. He hugs me again, bringing me close to him. His vibes go from anxious to loving in a breath's time.

"Well, we'd better get ready for this evening," He tells me warmly.

"We just woke up, Mavey, surely we can wait," I look up at him.

"It's noon, darling," He smiles playfully as my eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"When do we have this walking thing?"

"Four hours, we still have to eat, pack, do all those fun things," He rolls his eyes merrily.

"I wouldn't call those activities fun,"


The day did not seem like four hours. We had the maids pack up our suitcases. Maven and I had a quick but hearty lunch together. Now we stand by the regal front doors of the castle, waiting to walk the streets to the carriage that will take me and Maven away from here.

"Ready?" He asks me, his crown on his head, robes shining with perfection, and a face that is perfect in its own way.

I nod my head, looking ahead of me. The dress I wear is a deep shade of red with a long train behind it. My hair is curled and put in a half up half down style.

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