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This whole day has come and gone in a flash.

The morning was normal, plus some unnecessary worrying from Farley. The worrying is what made the day fly by. I told her worrying was never good because of the baby, but she kept on rambling. This made me worry as well. After about an hour of her ranting about how she lost the recruits to Volo Samos and had yet another betrayal from blowtorch, she had started complaining about her stomach pain.

That was what triggered me.

She went from wincing to having to hold onto something every few minutes, then not being able to walk.

That was when I put my foot down and went to get someone to see if Farley and the baby were okay. I found some newblood that had some experience in pregnancy, an older lady, and she said she could help.

Then I heard Farley yell my name.

I ran to her, and she had told me that her water broke.

I 4 hours ago didn't know what that meant. The lady-Serena told me that it meant, in a nutshell, that the baby was coming.

Then I started getting stressed out.

Serena had gotten Farley ready and checked on the baby. Serena said that for a 6-month baby, the baby was a big one. She said that was comforting since Farley would be delivering today.

I never knew that this would be happening, nor did Farley.

Serena explained to me what was going on, something about contractions and dilating. I didn't understand all the female parts and still don't. I didn't want a lecture on female anatomy.

After about an hour of moaning from Farley, and consistent check-ins from Serena. She had said that once she was 10 centimeters dilatated, she'd be ready to have the baby. Without an ultrasound, Serena said this would be difficult.

Farley hadn't said much, she was focused on counting her contractions and getting the baby out of her.

Then she was fully dilatated, and time to have the baby.

I stayed close, encouraging Farley as much as I could until she told me to shut up and do something useful.

I tried not to laugh at how snappy she is when angry.

The screaming from her became bearable since we were all used to it. But the later screams seemed weaker like she was running out of energy.

Serena took that more seriously than I did. She rushed out of the room to grab something. I didn't hear a baby cry, so I was as confused as a chicken without a head.

I looked at Farley, who was going in and out of consciousness, back then I didn't know she was, but now I know.

I had the courage to look at what was happening to her, and that's when I saw the pools of blood coming out of her.

I called for Serena, and she came instantly. Farley was unresponsive. Serena was cursing under her breath. She explained that her tissue was ripping, and she judged the measurement wrong.

Farley wasn't ready, but the baby was.

That's when I wasn't fretting for just one life, but two. Serena was able to grab the baby and get it out safely.

She was beautiful, minus the fact that she was covered in slime and blood.

Her cries filled the room, Serena introduced me to her, then said that people would be contacting a professional to look after Farley and the baby.

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