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I awoke after the harsh night, purple lightning keeping me awake.  Mare worries me, she better choose Maven, if she doesn't I might just jump so I can slap her and jump back.  

I climb down the ladder, slipping on the second to last beam, falling flat on my backside.  

"Forgot that the second beam is slippery and broken?"  Kilorn said, breaking the silence.  I groaned, I was the reason for it's breaking, how could I forget?

I saw Father sitting in the living room, Kilorn and Cal sitting at the dining table, Mother cleaning dishes in the sink and- oh my damn, Evangeline Samos.

"What is she doing here?" I pointed her out.

"She's our guest, Shade, she'll be here for the time being," Mother answered, putting down the plate that was half covered in soap.


"Oh, she's pregnant dear," 

I could see Cal shiver, Kilorn's jaw dropped, I leaned against the post near me. 

"She's- how far long?"

"Almost 2 months," She answers for Mother.  Explains why she's wearing a baggy shirt, covering it up, making it less obvious for theatrics.  I can see Cal squirming in his seat, visibly uncomfortable.  Evangeline noticed too.

"Also, my child's father finally decided to show up," She spits father out in a slither.  She intently stares at Cal.  Cal was going to be a father?  


"Yes, I am here for my child," I can hear his eye roll.  Evangeline smiles the smile of the devil.  Trapping him into being her pet, I can't help but feel bad for Cal, everything he's done.  But I do, being used never is fun.  Evangeline and Cal exchange glances, Cal gets up from his chair, walking towards her into a closet, to exchange some snarls, I'm guessing, I don't listen, it's not my place. 


Evageline practically drags me into the closet to speak with her, after that embarrassing scheme, I thought it best to give her a lesson.  Right when the door shut, she started interogatting me. 

"What did you think of that, dear?"

"I thought it was stupid, Evangeline,"

"Well, a royal child always gets some sort of a big announcement," she caresses her stomach.

I am taken back by her hisses, this news isn't sitting with me well, if my child is anything like her, I am going to be in over my head. 

"Hope you didn't forget that our child is royal," she looks at her nails in the dimly lit closet.  "You can't leave this child, Calore, your not that low."

I fight my fire, wanting to roast her act, I can tell she's not lying, she's a skinny lady, and her lightly swollen stomach is impossible not to notice once you see it.  I won't leave my child, no matter who it's mother is.

"I won't leave the child, Evangeline,"

"Damn right you won't, and if you do, your Silver blood will stain your crown, oh wait- you lost that,"

"Evangeline, don't you-"

I am cut off by a knock on the door, I give her a glare, she smiles a sweet, but snake like smile in response, I open the door slightly until I hear the one thing I need.



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