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It isn't long before Maven is done with his meeting, I am back in our room by the time he returns.  I was reading a book about Kings and Queens.  I don't usually read fantasy but I found this quiet interesting.

Once Maven walks in a look up from my book and use my thumb to mark where I stopped in my paragraph.

"Thought I'd find you here," Maven said, setting down his papers and bag on the bed next to me, making me bounce a little as he tossed it.

"Didn't have anywhere else to be," I comment before dog earing the the page and set the book on my bedside table. "What happened, you seem upset?" I ask while I stand up.

"No, no I'm not trust me," Maven walked up to me and wrapped his fingers around my arms, rubbing them up and down, I wasn't really stressed but it calmed me down, his warm touch making my body go hot.

"When's the wedding?"

"In a month," Maven says, he continues to rub my arms up and down.

"Anything else?" I ask, looking up at his crystal blue eyes.

"There's a party tonight to celebrate," Maven proclaims, still tracing my arms slowly.

I remember my promise to Cal, I said I'd meet him tonight, not that I really want to, but a promise is a promise, I'll see to it that I see him.  I want that information.

"Who is coming?" I try not to let the worry escape my lips.

"Everyone in the castle is invited, it is for us anyway,"

I nod with the same rhythm as Mavens hands.  I guess I won't really be able to speak to Cal, unless he knew about the party the whole time.

"What exactly is the party?" I ask.

"There's dancing, food, drinks, just a normal party," Maven says, watching his hands that still race down my arms.

"Sounds fun," I force myself to sound excited, I was never one for public viewing, considering I was either to be killed, kill someone, or do something I never wanted to do.  Now it's just to celebrate my new engagement.

"It's just a night for fun Mare, let's make it that way,"


The party has been going on for a while now, I hate to admit it but I was having fun.  It started with Maven and I slow dancing and doing the waltz.  Then we had stuffed chicken and salad for dinner, to my liking I ate way more than I thought I would, but in my defense the food was delicious.

Then the alcohol came out, I drank so much I can't even see straight, nor can Maven.  Almost every silver that is still here is drunker than shit. The once soft piano music is now hard party music as Maven requested. The only thing in my head was a splinting headache and that I needed to speak with Cal. I'm not really a sloppy drunk unlike Maven, who has left multiple times to vomit then come back in a fume of aromas that sting my nose. I'm more of a drunk that has no clue what they are doing and if I wanna do it I'll do it.

I walk around aimlessly trying to find Cal, he's hear, he did drunk karaoke a while ago, it was hilarious I was on the floor laughing so hard. Maven attempted to do a love song for me, then he ended up looking like a stripper. He's hilarious, for me I did one round, just a song I'd sing with my brothers, naturally I'd be a crying mess, but everything wrong seems right at this moment, so I lived in it before I fell off the chair I was singing on and thankfully Maven caught me, he fell over after that, but he makes a nice pillow.

I find Cal right away, he was hanging out by the food, he's so predictable that I found him easily for a high person.

"Yo brother in law!" I scream across the room, if I still remember this night in the morning I'll be embarrassed at the fact that I'm acting so stupid, but who cares? Not me.

"Hey dude," Cal looks up sloppily, but also content that I'm here. He does a peace sign with his right hand. I do it back, I'm so stupid.

"So, your were gonna tell me something? Yeah? Right? Spit it out," I demand. God I'll be embarrassed in the morning, if Elara wasn't dead I would ask her to erase this from my head.

"Like I said," he hiccups. "Not the right time, little lady," he looks around, licking his bottom lip.

"You gonna say that until I forget?" I cross my arms.

"Most likely," he looks at me like a snarky little boy, and he raises his eyebrows.

I shove him, he catches himself before he'd fall into the table. I snort.

"Since Maven is passed out on the floor," he glances over to the dance floor, I see my fiancé dead asleep on the floor. I purse my lips from hysterical laughter. "I can steel you for a while?"

"You'll tell me?" I raise my eyebrows.

"For sure," he smirks darkly. He grabs my hand before dragging me out of the ballroom to his room. It isn't long before we are there, seems like Shade jumped us to his room and left we got there so fast. Cal locks his door once he shuts it.

"Spit it out, pea brain," I say once the door is shut.

"Okay okay fine," he holds up his hands. I sit on his bed, not as comfortable as mine, but do able. 

"Get on with it," I cross my legs.

"Well, I told Maven and he wasn't happy," he paces the room.

"And?" I start to get impatient.

Cal stands in front of me, I have to look up to see him.

"I love you, Mare,"

Now naturally I'd slap him and run away, but in my drunk state, I don't stop what is about to happen.

I know what will happen come future moments, Maven will kill me when the time comes.

If he finds out.

He won't find out about this, it isn't that bad, is it?

Oh no. 

Forgive me for making Mare do something stupid.

Sorry my aliens


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