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Cal is taken away, I never liked him, always was in his shadow, but not anymore.  I wanted to do bad things to him.  Torture him.  Burn him.  Kill him.  But all those thoughts fade away when I see Mare, she loves him, and if I do anything to him, Mare will hate me.  She will hate me all over again.  I don't want to kill her in any way, I want to save her.

Save her, I chose her.

Save her from this world that Father made, I want to change things with Mare as my Queen, but that is up to her.  If she says no, runs away from me again, then of course, I will be hurt again.  But I won't plot against her like Mother did.  She's gone.  She can't control me anymore.  Her words mean nothing to me.  Love isn't weakness, to me, it's strength. 

Mare looks at me, she is so sad, I know that.  I would do anything to hold her, but now she's still mad at me.  All I can hope for is that she chooses me the way I chose her.  And choose her I will, I always will. 

"Maven?" Her plee of my attention makes me smile.  

"Yes Mare?" 

"Do I have to chose now?"

As much as I want an answer, I know that making her choose now will only make matters worse for her, as much as it hurts me, my pain means nothing compared to her being happy, and that's what I want. For Mare, the one I will chose, to be happy. 

"No, Mare, you don't, you can stay here, a roof over your head until you decide,"

"Deadline?" Her arms are crossed.

"No deadline," 

The words sting as they come out, but still, Mare's happiness over anything.  


We are back in the dining hall, Mare was hungry so I made the chefs make her something, what she wanted of course.  While she is here I will treat her like the Queen she deserves to be.  She is sitting across from me, eating her meal.  And I sit there, trying not to stare. 

"Enjoying it?"

"It's good, thank you,"

The few exchanged words we say is enough for me, enough for her pleasure it seems.  When she is finished, she tries to act happy, like Mareena would.  I don't want to be with Mareena, I want Mare. 

"Mare?" I ask, she meets my eyes.

"Yes? King Maven?"

She thinks that strokes my ego, she thinks I'm a killer, a killer King, that I am my Mother's son.  When I hope she gives me enough time to prove otherwise.

"I'm sorry, I know the apology seems empty, but it's not, I feel bad for betraying you,"

"An apology isn't going to make me stay, Maven,"

"I know, what will make you stay?" I know I sound despite, but still.

"Prove to me that you're the Maven I trusted, and loved,"

I nod as a response, with my Mother gone I hope I can be that person, the person that Mare loved, and hopefully still loves.  I'm not planning anything against her, nothing.  I hope she can see that. 

I will always choose her.

Hey!  Hope your not to creeped out by Maven, and I'm sorry but I'm fangirling,  sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, anyway, making these short, I'll make longer ones if you want, comment and give me feedback!


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