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I try not to throw up, but it's hard not to.  Mare Barrow, the person I aspired to be one day, is now engaged to the most blood thirsty person in Norta, if not the whole world.  Maven whatever his middle name is Calore.  The connection of television is crap, but it's enough to see the smile of joy on her caramel face.  Maven also looks pleased, pleased that Mare fell for his trap into them being together. I wasn't there to experience the whole charade, I was to busy hiding from the Guard to interfere, but Maven's love for Mare was so sick even I thought I'd pass out, he tracked her everywhere they went, killing anyone in his way to get Mare back in his clutches, and there they are, kissing for the camera, engaged for who knows what reasons, Maven's pleasure.

I stand behind overprotective boyfriend and Diana.  I like the nickname game I'm playing, it's the only thing that brings be joy now days.  I don't even know how long I've been in here, a week possibly.  I was out for a while.  Genesis stays with me.  I'm not that crude to give her a nickname, Gen suits her.  Coro has been around, he's been hanging around with overprotective boyfriend to much for my liking, I stay away as much as I can. 

"You don't think it's real do you?" Gen says, bending down to reach my ear. 

"Hell no it's not, it's all so Maven can have fun," I say back, not meeting her green eyes.

"I know what you mean by fun," she nudges me. I laugh lightly as I regain my balance. Diana shifts in her chair, I prepare my feet to turn back into my cell of a room. Even though Diana doesn't notice me, neither does overprotective boyfriend, I decide to run off to my room anyway. Genesis follows me. I get into my room and Genesis follows me, shutting the damp wooden door and it clicks shut.

"What was that for?" She said once the door shut, she whispered it sharply, like the icicles I can make with my palms.

"Didn't feel like being out in the open any longer, I've seen enough kissing for one day," I sit on the bed, it squeaks with every twitch I make, making sleeping a chore.

Genesis examines my room, the walls are a murky gray that jagger in and out, the floor makes my feet twitch, and I have a small window looking onto the waters outside.

"You know it's freezing in here," she shivers. 

"I can't feel the cold, remember?"

"Right," she nods and sits down next to me on the bed, making the bed sing a high pitched, off tune chirp.  We both cringe and the sound. 

"Do you plan on getting me out of here?" I push. 

"Yes, I do, but I'm staying here," she flinches. 

"Really? I can't leave you, I'm not leaving you and Coro here like that, I don't betray people," I stand up in a twitch, Genesis stays seated.  I can feel the embarrassment and anger rise, making my cheeks flush a warm red.  Control it, Gwen, control.

"It's either that or stay here," she points out.  I can feel all the wet creeks on the walls turn into ice at my sharp glare I give Gen, she is my best friend, but she can annoy the crap out of me at times. 

"Look, I get it if you want to go, but-,"

She's cut off by Diana yelling outside.  I roll my eyes.  Pregnant woman can be so irritable.  

"What do you mean we are being traced?" Diana yells.  I try to shut her voice out but I fail.  "Who's responsible for tracking us down?" She's so entitled when she speaks. 

"I don't know, but you saw how he looked at the camera!" Overprotective boyfriend said back. 

"I know, Volo Samos hates us more than anyone else!" They continue to argue.  I snicker at the images in my head of them bantering.  This is one reason why I am single. 

"We need to move before he attacks, which could be within the week," Diana said.  I sigh, guess I'm not leaving anytime soon. 

"Maybe you are taking this to seriously,"

They continue to argue, while I plan my escape in my head.  I was getting out of here, no matter what Diana told me. 


I walk through the halls holding the sweet baby in my arms.  She's very curious, she loves looking around the halls, turning her head to see the items I walk by.  I explain them to her, she seems to listen even though she has no clue what I am saying.  A few maids have seen us, some wonder what I'm doing here, but they are just distractions from my daughter.  I'm glad Eve forgave me, at least I think she did.  Let's get one thing clear here, I didn't mean to harm Eve, I was half drunk and everything was upside down and backwards when I was underground. 

Coriane coos every once in a while, she makes bubbles with her mouth.  She's adorable, she gets that from me.  I continue to roam around until I hear voices, I stay put. 

"We attack tomorrow?" I hear a male voice say. 

"Yes sir," I hear another voice say.  Attack? On whom? We'd only attack the Lakelands, they haven't given us any threats. 

I hear footsteps come toward where I am standing.  I want to run away so I'm not seen, I'm pretty hated around here.  But before I can run off, I'm spotted. 

"Tiberius?" I hear my voice, I turn around to see Volo Samos. 

"Hello, sir," I say before turning around fully.  He examines me, then he stares at Coriane. 

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I'm here to see my daughter," I stand up straight, so does he.  "Your not going to harm me are you?"

"No, not unless you make it up to me, after harming my daughter," he snaps.

"How will I?" I shift my posture, he does the same.

He thinks for a minute, I try not to show that I'm terribly uncomfortable.

"Come with me on my attack tomorrow evening,"

My face goes pale.  "Where is it?"

"Tuck, where the new bloods are,"

My face goes paler.  "What are we doing?"

"That is none of your concerns, Tiberius, just come along with us and you are considered safe in my book."

I wanted his approval, he's family at this point. 

"Alright, I'll come along,"

I can use this as an opportunity, to speak to Farley and Shade, tell them I'm sorry, and all that. 

That's why I'm going.

I'm not hurting anyone. 

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