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My eyes flutter open, and the first thing I see is black. I can feel Maven's warm body next to mine, his warmth trickling across the bedsheets like lava. I look around the dark room, the light shadows coming into view as my vision improves. I glance over at Maven, who is still in a deep sleep. I sit up from my laying position.

The floor of the room has the light from the moon from the window, the moonglow casting through the glass of the windowpane. I push the white covers from me and onto Maven and get up. The cold floor stings my feet.

I walk quietly over to the balcony window, making sure the floor doesn't creak when I set foot onto it. I unlock the doors to the balcony, the deadlock making a soft, yet satisfying click. The door opens without a creek as I let myself in. I reach the end of the balcony and set my hands on the shellac fence. I look up at the huge, pearl white full moon.

The stars around the moon glimmer and shine, like poked holes on a black sheet of construction paper. The moon is the largest hole and the stars being little pecks. The fresh, new summer breeze ruffles my hair and my nightdress. I breathe in the warm air. Fresh dew, moisture, pollen. The air smells new and fresh.

"Looking at the stars?"

I jump back as I turn around. Maven woke up.

I cover my mouth. "I am so sorry; did I wake you?" I ask him cautiously.

He just yawns as a response. "How could you miss such a clear night like tonight?" He asks as he walks closer to me. I turn back to face the outside world, the moon, the stars, and the planets I can discover.

Maven wraps his arms around me, one around my breasts and the other gently around my bloated stomach. His head rests atop mine. It's like our bodies are puzzle pieces; my curves fit so perfectly around him.

He sways us back and forth as we both gaze upon the stars and the moon. I could almost fall back asleep as Maven so gently but firmly holds me. I wrap my hands around his arm that is around my chest, showing him my affection as well.

"Luna," He says softly. A smile tugs at my lips that is too strong for me to stop.

"Luna," I repeat back. His thumb rubs against my stomach. I put my hand on top of his, both of us caressing it gently.

"So beautiful," Maven says, almost trance-like. He places a soft kiss on the top of my head.

A yawn escapes my lips.

"Shall we go back to sleep, my love?" He asks me softly, removing his head and resting it on my shoulder.

I give out a hum for a yes. He picks me up bridal style and carries me back to our room.


My eyes open for a second time, this time being greeted by the sunlight. I look over next to me, no Maven. I continue to look around the room as I sit up. I see the bathroom door closed and I hear water running.

He must be taking a shower.

I stretch my arms out wide, waking my body up from its slumber. After I finish doing that, I stand up and go to my closet to get dressed.

I'm feeling purple today.

I leaf through the dozens of purple dresses I own. I find one that fits my fancy and takes off my nightdress; it slides off me effortlessly, like a waterfall.

I put my feet into the dress first and pull it up. I chose something not too tight around the waist, no corset.

Once I have it up and my sleeves through my arms, I try to zip up the back but fail miserably. I end up spinning back and forth trying to reach the small, silver zipper but as hard as I try, I fail.

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