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Evangeline holds her newborn daughter in her arms, Maven stands next to the once white cot that is now stained silver with Evangeline's blood.  I don't think I've ever seen Evangeline so happy or proud, she smiles and laughs at everything that infant does.

I have to admit, she's adorable. 

She has Cal's bronze eyes but only darker, silver skin, light brown hair on her head. 

"What are you going to name her?" Maven asks, breaking the infinite silence.

"I haven't thought about it," Evangeline says with tears in his eyes, whether they are happy, sad, or angry I don't know.

If she's angry I don't blame her, Cal shot her with a needle and bolted faster than my lightning.

"Any recommendations?"

"I like Maven," Maven says with a smile and a giggle, I snort.

"I think she's a she, Maven," Evangeline retorts with a giggle.  I think this is the first time I've seen her generally happy.

"Coriane?" I recommend.  Evangeline lock eyes with me. 

"After Cal's mother?" She asks me back.  Cal's mother meant the world to him.

I nod, Maven has a deep face.  He never met his stepmother.

"Yeah, I like that,"  Evangeline beams, that's what a child can do to someone's life, change it for the better.  "Coriane."  

I can also see the sorrow in her eyes, another betrayal Cal has done.  Did I make Cal this way? So heartless? 

"We should let Evangeline rest, say the news in the morning," Maven leans over and whispers the words in my ear.  His words make the hairs on my neck stand.  

I nod, and he takes my hand, the warmth in his touch is addicting, as much as I hate to admit it.  

"We are going to go," Maven says quietly.  Evangeline looks up from Coriane and notices our hands intertwined with one another's.  She smiles and nods.  "Get some rest." 

We turn to walk out of the nurses' ward, Maven dragging me, I'm hesitant to turn my head away. 

"Mare?" Evangeline calls for my attention, I whip my head to face her.  "I'm sorry for being such a bully towards you, I shouldn't have."

"It's fine, Eve, don't worry about it,"

She smiles weakly.  "I want to change for this baby," 

Maven can't even keep in a smile, even though it's weak and tired, it's still a smile.  


Once we are out of the nurses' ward and back into our room, Maven shuts the door and clicks the lock shut.  

"That was fun," Maven says with a sigh.  I sigh as well and nod as a response.  He walks away from the door and sits on the bed.  We are both just in our nighties. 

"Tonight was eventful," I say softly, plopping onto the silk sheets.  Maven moans as a response, both of us exhausted.    I edge myself up on the bed, sitting next to Maven.  He leans his head onto my shoulder, breathing heavily.  

"Eve really has changed," Maven said quietly.  

"Yeah, she's lightened up," I say back, agreeing with him.  His jet black hair laid on my shoulder, he nuzzled into my chest like a child that ran a mile that was craving sleep. 

"She's a mother now," He points out the obvious.

"She'll be a great mother," 

"So will you," Maven says, I go silent.  

"It's too early to be thinking of that, Maven," 

"I know, just pointing that out," He sounds drunk he's so tired. 

"We aren't even married," I say.  

Maven moves his head onto my chest, I move down so I'm laying down.  He hugs my waist as his head is buried into my stomach.  He yawns like a tired kitten.  

"Yet," Is all he says, he says it with a smug grin and he drifts himself into a slumber.  

Maven is one for cliffhangers.

Do I want to marry Maven, I was engaged to him, if I look back on it, it doesn't seem terrible.  If my heart takes the wheel again, who knows what'll happen.  My heart has betrayed me before.  

The thoughts of marriage make me tired as well, and it isn't long before I'm tangled in Maven's dreams, and he is in mine. 

Hey y'all I HAVE RETURNED, my story died somehow but I am back, this ch is so bad, but I'll get back into it soon, I promise, thank you so much for 1.6K views, I don't deserve that.

I'll try and post once a week, no schedule because my life is hectic now, but my promise is once a week.

Goodbye, my fellow aliens.


P.S I have a poems book on my profile, and a zodiac one as well, you should check it out, love y'all.

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