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"Mother," My meek voice says, tears of joy lightly run down my face.  Mother can't hold in her tears as she wraps her arms around me.  Maven is behind me, he insisted he'd come, meet my family.  

Mother directs me inside, Shade's mouth drops, Gisa can't breathe, Father is sitting in his wheelchair, smiling a mile-wide smile, Kilorn gives me the same look, the I "knew I'd see you" look.

And there's Cal, coming out of the closet.  Odd.  But that's my Cal, odd. 

Maven asks if he can come in, not just barging in, being polite.  Being the old Maven, hopefully Maven, just Maven. 

"What are you doing here?" Shade finally says something.

"Oh, yeah, Maven let me come, visit,"

Shade goes back to his jaw on the floor.  Cal has the same look.  They look at Maven, he nods.  Not saying anything, being quiet.  

"Shade, I talked with Farley,"

His face goes back to normal.  "And?"

"You better be ready for my news, so get your face ready,"  

He nods.

"Your going to be a dad, Shade," 

And there's that face, the shocked face.  He can't say anything, or move.  I hug him, he hugs me back, I can feel the tears of glee on my shoulder of the shirt that Maven gave me.

"Ok, ok, enough with the hugs, to much,"  She pushes me away, I chuckle. 

Cal looks uncomfortable, for some odd reason, probably the first time he was in the same room with Maven since, well, everything.  He refrains eye contact.  I turn to face Father wanting to speak to him, but I am cut off by a door opening.  "Why hello Mare, I didn't see you here,"

I can recognize that voice anywhere.

Evangeline Samos.

I turn to face her, turning on my heels.  "Mom, there's a snake in the house."

"What? Where?"

"There," I point at Evangeline with my eyes.

"Oh, Mare honey, she's our guest for the time being,"  

I can feel the electricity rise.  Control it, Mare, control.

"And why is she here?"

Mother cleared her throat.  "She's a pregnant snake, honey," She went into the kitchen, not looking at me.  I slowly turn my head to meet Evangeline's eyes, snake-like, slits of eyes.  Everyone looks around the room, mixed faces.

"Am I missing something here?"  I point to everyone, clearly confused. 

"Let's say one thing: Maven's gonna be an uncle,"  Evangeline stated

Everyone looks at Maven, who now has eyes on him, he stands by the doorway, same shocked expression I've seen all day.  I turn to meet Cal's eyes, the eyes of burning fire, now dampened by fatherhood.  I understood what Evangeline met, I understand how family works. 

"Cal?"  I break the silence.  Looking at him, hiding the emotion I feel. 

"I can't just leave my child, Mare,"  He says low enough that only I can hear. 

"What about our whole plan? The Scarlet Guard,"  I copy his tone, only audible to him. "Me?"

He looks at me hard, I copy his every move, I don't know if my heart is ready for his response.  He shakes his head, I can feel Evangeline smile her hiss. 

"That's right, Mare, he chose me," I look at her, hoping my heartbreak won't show.  "He will always choose me," 

He chose her to be his Queen once, apparently it sticks.  I felt nothing, Cal betrayed me, the Scarlet Guard, the newbloods, our cause.  Betrayal should be something I'm used to by now, but this betrayal hurt worse than Maven's.  I loved Cal, I showed him I loved him, he proved to me that he loved me.  And all of our hard work, all of our moments, all of our dances were for nothing.  Gone.  Like my love for him.  Gone. 

I decide to break the silence.  "Maven?" 

I can't see him, all I can hear is his footsteps coming towards me.  He meets my eyes, but I don't return the gaze.  He is waiting for me to answer my plee. 

I look into Cal's eyes, hoping this hurts more than it hurts me. 

"Maven, I choose you,"

Hi my fellow readers and wattys!  If your staying with me this long and still reading!  Thank you so much!  I appreciate it and 4 votes, is that possible?  I know it's not much but they all made me smile!  Thank you for this and 100 views *mind explodes* I know it's not much, but for my first story, wow, just wow.  Thank you for continuing to read even though it's chicken scratch, but hey, I try.  I'll update more, my wifi is weird, sometimes my stuff doesn't save like right now, this isn't saving, Jesus help me.  Anyway, enough of me rambling, have a good day, thank you for everything!


P.S.  feel free to comment and all that jazz, feedback is loved!  thx again! (ok I'll stop) 

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