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I hear her wishing my attention, I turn my head and there she is, in all her glory, in the clothes I gifted her.  I smile a smile, and she smiles her natural smile, her cheeks flush red, red, red is the one thing that drew me to her.  I knew she was different, and without our once betrothal, our romance would've been forbidden, but I make the rules now.  

"They suit you,"  I break the silence between us, she is twitching with glee, as am I, but in the heart I am. 

"Thank you for them,"  She does a small spin, showing the clothes I had given her.  She beams, walking towards me.  I can't help but blush a gray in the cheeks, she notices.  "Stop blushing, it's unkingly."

I roll my eyes, I won't push her to choose me, or not, whatever she chooses is her choice.  But she knows one thing.

I will always choose her. 


She sits at the table, across from me, eating her eggs and bacon for breakfast, I eat as well, trying hard not to stare, I have a surprise for her, tricks up my sleeve.  She tries to act like Mareena, eat like a royal.  That was the one part of Mare I don't like, trying to be civil, when she already is.


She looks up at me, half of her fork in her mouth, slightly slumped over, looking up at me with her eyes, eyebrows raised, shocked look.  I can't help but giggle at the sight.  She pulls the fork out of her mouth, egg on her face.  She wipes it off drastically with her wrist, blushing furiously.

"What? Don't judge me like that," She says back, mouth half full. 

"I have a surprise for you," I put my napkin back in my lap, sitting tall.

"Another one,"  Mare dabs the corners of her mouth with her napkin. 

"Yes, thought you'd be pleased," I tease.

She looks up at me, clearly joining in on the teasing game.  "Why wouldn't I be?  Maven is always one to surprise,"

I knew what she implied.  I regret what I did to her, the flush left my pale face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine, Mare, don't mention it,"

Silence, I cut her off.  I am trying to change, I really am, I hope she can see that.


He really is trying to change, the thought of him betraying me made him snap.  I do feel bad for doing that.  Saying that.  I flush, hoping it shows my complete embarrassment. 

"Don't be embarrassed Mare, I should be,"

I'm taken aback, embarrassed?  Him?

"Wait, why?"

"From what I did to you, to Cal, to my kingdom,"

I feel my heart melt, his words are so soft, a burning fire dying out.

"Don't be embarrassed, Maven, it wasn't your fault,"

"Then who betrayed you, Mare?"

His voiced raised, I wanted to yell back, but I stayed silent, he was almost standing at this point, thinking about the betrayal makes him feel this way, he doesn't like to speak of it, he is ashamed of it. 

"Maven, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up,"

"No Mare, I am sorry, I shouldn't have done that, I don't know how I could've,"

I smile, he smiles a sad smile back.  I stand up, walking to put my plate on the maids tray, walking slowly.

"So, what's my surprise?"

"Oh that, I was thinking you could be able to see your family,"

I drop my plate, not being able to process what he just said.  Am I dreaming?  Is he being senscere? 

"Your- you- what- did you?"  I choke on my words.

"I know, it's been a day since you've been here, but you need them, a day away wouldn't hurt,"

I can't help but smile, my family, the one thing I need now.  He's right.  

"Also, I can let Farley go, she needs to see Shade, for certain reasons,"  His lips curl into a half smile.  I debate running up to him and thanking him, but I just stand there in glee, with the shattered plate around me. 

Hello again!  Hope you enjoyed this! Please vote and comment!  I love feedback!  I'm obsessed with writing at this point, hope updating every hour is ok!  Stay safe and healthy! Love all of you!


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