
980 33 22

**A time skip of a week from the last part.**


I've been with Maven for a week, sleeping in the same bed every night, nothing else. We eat together every day, every meal, we converse. Right now we are laying in bed, both wearing nighties. We both have our hands wrapped around one another, breathing patters matched. The silence isn't awkward though, but we lay awake. He stays up for me, I fear to sleep now, I don't dream. Just nightmares. In each one, Maven dies, Shade dies, or someone I love dies.

Maven's grown on me, I may even begin to love him again, he hasn't said or done anything. Not killed a single soul, threatened anyone. He has given some speeches on taxes and roads, but that's it.

I look into his eyes, he faces me during sleep, he is on the left, I am on the right. He slightly turns his body to face me. We stare at each other for a moment. No matter how many times I see his eyes, his icy blue ocean eyes, they still take my breath away, every time I see them.



He asks my attention, we haven't spoken much, since I've chosen him a week or so ago, the concept of time passes me by now.

"Do you regret choosing me?"

His question lingers in the air.

"No, I don't," I didn't think that I would regret it, Maven is fine, he is the old Maven, the Maven I love. He smiles, I can see his face through the room, lit by the stars and moon.


"Yes, Mare?"

"I like this Maven, I want to get to know this Maven,"

Our feet are touching, his touch is so warm, no matter what weather, it is warm, it calls me in.

"I want to get to know Mare, the Mare Barrow, not Mareena,"

"Ok, Maven, what's your favorite time of day?"

He pauses to think.

"Dusk, things calm down, the sky glows, and we can have moments like this,"

I can't help but flush that he likes these things.

"Your blushing,"

"How can you tell?" I giggle.

"Because it's bright,"

I smile. "Ok, Mare Barrow, what's your favorite time of day?"

"Dawn, it marks a new day, new start, new things to see," I pause. "Night is good too, when we can spend time together without commotion."

He nods and smiles, accepting my answer.

"My turn," I nuzzle in closer to him. He looks up and fuzzles his brow, thinking. "Is it okay if the question is really stupid?"

"It can be anything," I say sweetly.

"When's your birthday?"

"November 11th," I answer, I never liked an autumn birthday, it only leads to a cold winter

"December 13th," He answers.

"Ha, I'm older,"

"Don't mention that," He teases with a laugh. I chuckle back.

"Your turn, Mare,"

I think of a question, only one comes to mind.

"It can be personal, right?"

"Your words Mare, it can be anything,"

"Have you had any past lovers?" I squeak out, flushing lightly.

"Well, I had a few when I was younger and new to love, I didn't really know what it was at the time, they were all before I met you, none of them were to serious, just a one night stand or a date, but that was it,"

I appreciate his honesty, he's so open, not letting anything bother him.

"You don't want to answer if you don't want to, Mare,"

He also respects my space and privacy.

"Well, there was Cal, we did it once, before I knew about... Evangeline, but he wasn't my first though, Kilorn was,"

"Kilorn? I thought you two were just friends,"

"Friends was a coverup, Mother didn't allow me to date anyone at the time, but we were both so in love, or so we thought,"

He looks into me deeply, looking into my soul. I didn't notice after our questionnaire, we were so close to one another, our bodies were tangled, his warmth was sinking into my skin, making my skin flush. He slid his hand to the side of my face not next to the pillow, I slide mine to the back of his neck.

His lips were on mine once again, the heat of his light lips were real, drawing me in, wanting more. I didn't want to admit it, but I was falling for Maven Calore once again.

hi, sorry for this sucky and cringy chapter, it's just a marevan chapter for you diehard fans out there, welcome home dear lovers, and yes, I ship.

I'll publish more, and almost 200 views in a few days, whattttttt help me, I don't deserve this!

Ok, I'll shut up


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