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When my eyes open, the first thing I feel is the softness of the pillow my head is buried in, and the sheets wrapped around my body.

The cold sheets.

I shoot up quickly when I feel the coldness of the silk on my body and look for the fluffy comforter.

I find it on the opposing side of the bed. I grab it with my hand and find it is cold as well. Then I look at the bed and find myself alone.

No Maven...

I look around the room in an anxious dash. The closet door is open without the light on, the same as the bathroom.

I look at his bedside table, one of the drawers is nudged open, but his crown still lay atop of it.

I look at mine, a sheet of paper is on it that I haven't recalled me putting there.

I lean over to it and grab it.

It's a note from Maven.


I am going to our nurses to see when we can schedule an appointment for the baby.

Sleep in as much as you can, I'll be back.

I might have a surprise for you.

I love you.


I smile faintly at the note, then fold it back up and set it back on the tabletop.

I lean back onto the pillows and sigh deeply. My eyes are sore and foggy, cobwebs blur my vision from the gallons of tears that have left my eyes.

I look at the rest of my body, my arms have lost some muscle, my legs are shiny from bathing, my core muscle is slim to none.

Then I remember.

Eventually, I'll have nothing there, just a baby bump.

I lean my head back to keep my tears in, then look down at my stomach again. Still flat, normal. Who knows how long until people start commenting and noticing that something is up, such as that I have gained weight, or the rumor of this future possible heir will go around.

Unless it is Cal's, not a future heir to the throne.

I don't know how to do this pregnant mom stuff; do I show it off to the whole world once people know? Keep it hidden? Talk to the baby whenever I want? Caress it?

This thing is to overwhelming, I don't like this.

The door opens and I am snapped back to reality.

Maven walks through the door. He looks a bit startled to see me awake.

"Good morning," He says.

"It's morning?" I ask, sitting up fully. I rub my eyes to attempt to get the clouds out of my eyes.

"Yeah, it's about nine," He says, closing the door behind him.

"What time did we fall asleep last night?" I ask him more questions.

"You fell asleep around 7:30 ish, I fell asleep about 9:00," He replies. My eyes widen. I slept for 14 hours?

I shake my head away at the thought. I was being emotional, and I had good reason to be emotional.

"Anyway, did you get the appointment planned?" I ask him formally.

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