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Mare left as quickly as she came in, gone, probably forever.  She chose Maven.  They will always choose each other. 

Those words sicken me, almost as much as Evangeline baring my child.  I can't believe I betrayed her, but who knows what Evangeline will do if I betray her, she'd kill me.  Mare has my brother to hold her, it's not completely my fault that this happened.  Ok, it mainly is.  I let Evangeline slither into my bed and do those things, if I didn't none of this would be.  

Mare left with Maven in toe, gone in a fuss, pleased Evangeline.  The house is quiet, Shade and Kilorn went upstairs, Mare's parents are in bed, the only light in the hut is the moon, shining.  Just me and Evangeline, again.  She is lightly laughing every few seconds, replaying me betraying Mare in my head, she's pleased I chose her.  I chose my child, not her.  My child is my future now, even though Evangeline is going to force me on that anyway.  

"Are you pleased with you decision, Calore?" She breaks the silence with a hiss.

"I chose my child, not you,"  I barely meet her eyes, I refrain from doing so. 

She stands up in a fuss, obviously stressed that I chose the newborn, not her. 

"This child, it's a part of me too,"  Her tone was raised.  Anger was her favorite shade of emotions, especially when she's not first place. 

"It's a part of me too, I helped make it,"

If she wants to play nasty, I can play too, two people can play that game. 

She walks toward me, cheeks fleshed a silver that glimmers in the moonlit autumn evening. 

"You listen to me, Calore,"

The nickname stings, that has always been her petname since our actions of haste.  It reminds me of those times.  Cringy, really. 

At this point she is inches away from my face, even though she is much shorter than me, I can feel her breath on my skin.  She reaches into her front pocket, to reveal a small case, I'd recognize that case anywhere.

She unzips it and takes out serum and a syringe.  The serum that can knock you out, or worse. 

"Take this as a threat, you chose our child, now choose me,"  She raised her eyebrows, all of her words are spoken between gritted teeth.  "So, Calore, I will bare your children, wait- I already am."

"Why me?  Evangeline?" 

"You were mine once, I could taste the Queens crown atop my head, you are my closeest shot at being Queen, Maven's head over heels for that Red rat, we can overthrow him together, we can have the life we thought we had," 

"I have no shot at being King, not while my name isn't clear,"

"Then let's clear it, with Mare as Queen, because that's almost certain now, she will clear it for certain,"

"Not after what I did,"

"Thank you for that show, by the way, very entertaining,"

I roll my eyes.  I will forever be on the run, forever at this point. 

I'm sorry, Mare, forgive me. 


Back in the castle, I should call it home now.  I chose Maven.  How could I go back to a life when I would be with Cal's child.  His child that isn't mine.  It makes my stomach churn, thinking of another betrayal.  Maven and I walk in silence, he must be in as much shock as I am.  I can't believe I chose him, but I did, because I have no where else to go.  

Maven's room was just a few doors ahead of mine, he drops me off at mine.  Not saying a word.  Just good night, that's all.

I stand in the doorway, not walking into my room, Maven walking away from me slowly.  I can't process what just happened.  Cal.  Gone.  

"Maven?" I turn to see he is in his doorway as well, he turns his head, his icy blue eyes are shining, gleaming a silver color.  He looks at me in response.  I find myself walking towards him.  Tears streaming down my face.  The thought of sleeping alone brings chills to my bones. 

 Maven turns to face me, I'm practically running to him at this point, longing his comfort.  I fall into his arms, wrapping around me, the warmth is so soothing, addicting, the one thing I need.  I didn't want Maven, I needed Maven.  My tears are coming out in sobs, crying so hard breathing brings me labor. 

"It's okay, Mare, it's all gonna be ok,"

Maven's words are like a sharp whisper, stabbing my heart, making it break.  His arms are around my waist, mine around his neck.  My sobs fill the empty, dark hallway.  I've never been this broken, ever. 

He pulls me out of the hug, our eyes meet, his are soft and welcoming, while I can imagine mine are red and foggy.  "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

I nod quickly, I can't be alone, I'm sick of being alone. He practically carries me inside his chambers.  I have never been so weak, so emotionally weak it makes my knees nimble.  He uses his blue flames to light a candle by his bedside, everything in my vision is so fogged it's hard to see anything.  Hard to feel anything except the glass sword that finally broke.

He sat me down on his bed, I fell into the silks.  His weight when he lays down, still clothed, pulls me toward him, I am at his disposal, he can do whatever he wishes to me.  All he does is hug me, our legs tangled, pulls me closer.  I pull him closer to me, far to hard for my liking, but I do so anyway, I missed Maven, any version of Maven. 

I chose him, I will always chose him.

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