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My eyes flutter open from the restful slumber. I wake up to find me in the same position. My head is on Maven's chest, my hand resting on it as well, and my other hand interlocked with Maven's.

I look around the room, everything was just as we left it the night before. Maven's crown is still on his nightstand, all the lights are off, our clothes are still on the floor.

My clothes are on the floor.

I look at myself, and I am bare naked. So is Maven.

I quickly grab the white and silver blanket beside me and yank it to cover myself up.

Then Maven starts to rustle in his sleep before his blue eyes flutter open.

"Mavey? Are you awake?" I whisper to him. He makes a sound.

"Good morning," He muffles, still sounding half asleep.

"Did I wake you?" I ask his softly.

He grunts again, then he looks down at me. "No, it's time to wake up anyway."

"What time is it?" I ask him while I rub my eyes.

He looks over his left shoulder to look at his clock, then back at me.

"About 10:00," He responds, then he yawns like a kitten.

"Aww, you're adorable," I say to him, he flushes a bright silver.

"Stop," He says with a smile that he tries to fight. "Now, you, on the other hand, are as naked as a newborn baby."

It's my turn to blush.

"So are you," I say shyly as my face and insides heat up.

"You should stay naked more, you look good," Maven purrs. I blush even more and hide my face in his bare, toned chest.

He chuckles, making my body quake.

"Aww, flustered much?" He teases.

"I- I never said I was," I murmur.

"Well, you hiding in my chest and the blush on your cute little face says otherwise," He counters in an exaggerated baby voice.

I hide my face even more as I whine in protest. He continues to do his dark, childish laugh that's contagious.

Then I start laughing.

He rubs my back as I bury my face in him even more, making me calm down as he makes idle, soft, affectionate strokes.

"Let's just stay like this for a while, okay?" He asks me softly.

"Mmhmm," I hum as I turn my head to the side. He kisses the top of my head, then he takes his free hand and rests it in the small of my back. Our breathings match, his hands stop resting and explore my bare back, everything in this moment is perfect.

Until it wasn't.

A knock on the door rings through the room.

My head snaps up along with Maven's. He looks at me with embarrassment in his eyes.

Technically, I'm not supposed to be in here, sleeping with him like this until we are married. I should be sleeping in my own room.

"Hide," Maven says as he lifts the huge, heavy, baggy blanket. I slip underneath it and slow my breathing.

"Come in," Maven says, his words making my body quake.

I hear the door click open.

"Took you long enough to let me in," I hear a familiar voice.

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