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I am woken up to someone shaking me on the day of my release.  I roll over on the stone-cold bed, my eyes open groggily.  I spent most of my time sleeping.  Being pregnant tires me out, even though I am doing absolutely nothing, the thought of it is tiring.

Once my eyes are opened enough, I can make out a very familiar face.


"Shade Barrow, what- how did-?"

"I jumped here," He winked at me.  "You're being released today, noon, right?"

I nod.  

"That's what Mare told me anyway,"

"Mare? You've spoken with her?"

"Yes, I have, we can talk more when you're out, I jumped in the hallway and a Guard is on his way to get you out, I'll jump to the exit in about 15 minutes,"

I nod again, I can hear the guard's footsteps.  He jumps out, gone in a flash.


The guard drops me out, and Shade's already there to greet me.  I haven't seen him in so long, ever since I've been in that damp, cold, and rusty cell.  And most of all, he hasn't seen me. 

He hugs me once the guard leaves us.  I never was one for hugs, but not seeing Shade gives my heart a small allowance for him.  

"So, you've spoken with Mare," I go back to business.   

He breaks up our hug. "Yes, that I have, she told me the big news, hope you don't mind," He flushes lightly while he puts one hand around my waist.  I see what he's implying.  I can't help but blush lightly, Shade is the one person I have a soft spot for.  He looks at my stomach and smiles.  

"Anyway," He looks back up at my head, I can tell that to him being a father is all news, still processing.  "Have you spoken with Mare?"

"Yes, just once, that's when I told her of course, all she said was that Maven was keeping her there, something like that,"

"Maven had her at the palace so she could choose Maven or not,"

"Has she made a decision?"

"She chose him,"

I can't help but feel Mare's betrayal burn under my skin, she of all people should know what betrayal feels like, but apparently, our cause means nothing to her when Maven means something.  I sigh an angry sigh. 

"Hey, I get it, your upset, but Maven said that he'd change our nation with Mare, and we have a better chance of surviving if Mare is Queen,"

"Hold on- Queen?"

"Nothing has been announced yet,"

I slouch my back; a lot has happened since my lock up.  

"Anything else?  Do you know why Mare chose Maven?" I close my eyes while saying that, being a little pissed at Mare. 

"Well, Cal, Kilorn and Evangeline are at my house, I was thinking I'd take you there for a few days to recoup," 

"Evangeline?  What-"

"My mom let her in," He cut me off.


"Let's just say, she's experiencing the same condition you're in,"

I can't help but let out a small gasp, she's pregnant, wow, way too much has happened since my absence.  I put one hand on my stomach, I found that doing that calms me, for some odd reason, I guess knowing that Shade and I are having a future of our own.

"Can we not go to your place?  Evangeline knows about, me, right?" 

"Yes, she does, she wasn't too pleased that the attention wouldn't all be on her,"

I roll my eyes, sounds like Evangeline.  

"Cal's there too?" 

"Yeah, he's kind of forced to be there by orders of you-know-who," 

"Hmm," I think to myself for a moment, my thoughts bustling. "Wait why?"

"Cal's the father of Evangeline's child,"

I gag, the more I think about it the grosser it gets, but it also starts to make sense, they were betrothed, they expected to have a future together to rule Norta. I guess this news really threw everyone for a loop, even Shade looks grossed out. 

"Where should we go then?" I ask, its usually other people asking me this, but with everything going on since my leave, I don't even know the world anymore.  No one does. 

"All the other newbloods are in Tuck again, they went there for safety,"

I nod once again, Shade holds out his hand, offering it to me for us to jump to Tuck.  I take it with pride. 

We jump in a flash of colors.


I open my eyes for the first time today.  The sound of the shower running woke me up.  I roll over to an empty bed, Mare must be in the shower.  

I sit up and stretch my arms only to glance at the clock to see its past noon.  I did fall asleep around midnight. 

I thought about last night with Mare, we didn't do much except a heated make-out session anyway.  I'd slept in my uniform, not changing into my nightwear.  The conversation we had last night rang through my head.  The Houses say I need a Queen to rule.  I had Evangeline for a short while, until she fell pregnant with Cal's child.  I never fancied her anyway, nor did any other house except Samos. 

I dismissed Evangeline, Ptolemus and Volo stayed behind, they are furious with me of course.  I simply insisted that Evangeline be with Cal, they are due to have a family now.  


My thoughts of discussing with the Houses were cut off when Mare opened her bathroom door, her hair done in a braid and she was in a towel.  She flushed when she saw me.  "I didn't know that you were up," She tries to curl up into a ball, making herself look small. 

"Don't be embarrassed Mare, I don't mind," I stand up from the bed, brushing the wrinkles out of my pants.  Mare shuffles into her closet and closes the door.  A small smirk grows on my face, I know Mare might not see it, but I do love her. 

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