26. Double Trouble

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Anu tries to stop Sidd, "Sidd! Listen to me once. Please listen..."
But Sidd doesn't stop and goes out of the auditorium.
Anu also goes behind him. And looking at Riyaz's face, it seems that he is thinking something very deeply.
On the other side, Anu comes to Sidd and makes him stop by holding his hand.
Anu: Sidd please stop.
She looks at Sidd's face... his eyes are wet.
Anu: Siddharth! Why are you crying?
Sidd quickly wipes his tears to hide it from Anu.
Anu: Sidd! Please answer me. What happened to you?
Sidd: N-no-nothing.
Looking at Sidd's sad face and his tears, Anu understands what the matter is.
Anu: Oh! I understood why are you behaving like this... (she takes a deep breath) ... Siddharth! I know that you and Chomu, I mean, Riyaz hate each other. You guys don't even want to face each other. But me... what should I do? On one side, there is my childhood friend, whom I always wanted to get back. And on the other side, there is another friend, who was with me when I was totally alone. I can't leave anyone for the other one. Why don't you both reconcile? I think you both should forget your past and start a fresh friendship...
Sidd (interrupts): No! Anu you can ask anything from me, but not this please. I won't change my mind so easily. And I won't give him another chance to hurt me.
Sidd frees his hand from Anu's hand. While saying all this, Sidd was sounding a little rude. So he tries to change his tone.
Sidd: See Anushka! I'm not forcing you to leave him. I know that he is your best friend, and trust me, I'm not willing to take his place in your life. I truly understand how it feels when you lose your best friend and want to meet him/her again badly. After so many years, finally God listened to you and gave your friend back to you. I won't suggest you to leave him at any cost. Because if I were at your place, I would have done the same. New friends are on their places, but old friends' value is always different and special.
Anu: Then what should I do?
Sidd: What your heart wants. I already said I won't force you. Ok I agree that I feel bad, but except your happiness, nothing is more important for me. Because I don't want to separate again you and your friend. And Riyaz... as much I know him, I've seen him... he also wanted to get back his childhood friend badly. If I ask you to stay with me, and not with him, then I'll break two hearts... and I don't want that. So it would be better if you do the only thing that your hearts want to do. I don't have any problem with your and Riyaz's friendship.
And then he goes from there.

After a while,
Anu comes back to the auditorium. She was thinking to talk to Riyaz about this matter, but she sees that Riyaz has also gone from there.
There, even in so much crowd, Anushka feels herself alone. She sits there on a chair and starts thinking about all this.
And at that moment, Jannat comes there. Seeing Anu's upset face, she goes to her and sits beside her.
Jann: Anushka! What happened?
Anu doesn't reply anything and looks at Jannat helplessly.
Jann: Why are you looking so sad? Everything is okay na?
Anu: Nothing is okay. I'm not able to take an important decision of my life. I'm too much confused.
Jann: Wait! I'm not able to understand anything. What actually happened? Please explain it to me.
Anu: Actually, I've two close friends, one is Sidd...
Jann (interrupting her): Wait a second. If you're going to talk about Siddharth, then I'm sorry. I'm not interested in him or anything related to him.
Anu looks at Jannat with confused eyes, "Why? Now what happened between you two?"
Jann: Nothing much. He was too much interfering in my personal life, so...
Anu becomes more upset, "Oh no! I think you must have understood him. He isn't that type of boy..."
Jann: Listen Anushka! I know he is your friend, so you will surely take his side. But I just didn't like the way he was ordering me what should I do and what not. So...
Anu: But there must be some other reason behind his behaviour.
Jann: Whatever reason it is... I don't care. Because if there was any other matter, I might not have said anything. But in which matter he has intervened; I can't tolerate any stupidity in that case. Sorry, but I don't want to be in his matter.
And then she goes from there.

Anu (POV): As much I know... Siddharth doesn't have too many friends. And except me, there is only Jannat with whom he used to be a little close. And now Jannat is also not talking with him.  Moreover, he is still in search of his childhood friend. Now if I also leave him, he will fall alone. While on the other hand, I can't leave Chomu also. I struggled a lot to get back him back. I don't want to be apart from him again. And they both are not ready to reunite. Oh God! In which crisis did you implicate me? Why did you frame me in this trouble? Who should I go to? Whom should I befriend?? 

To Be Continued...

Whom will Anushka choose now?

And how will Sidd and Jannat's matter solve?

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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