8. An old friend

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In the canteen...Abhi, Sidd and Anu have eaten some snacks. And now they are about to go back to their classes.
Abhi: Ok guys! Classes will resume in some time. So we should go back to our classes now.
Anu: Yeah ok.
Sidd: ok then. Let's go.
And the trio heads towards the outside of the canteen.
Sidd is talking to Abhi while walking, and suddenly he bumps into someone. And both of them fell down.
They both get up. At first, they thought that they would say sorry to each other, but as soon as they both see each other, their reactions are like, "You??"Sidd: Riyaz?
Yes! The one whom Siddharth bumped into, is none other than Riyaz.
Rii: Siddharth You? Can't you see and walk?
Sidd: Oh hello! It wasn't my fault. Is these your eyes or buttons?
Rii: How dare you talk to me like this?
Sidd: I dared to do that because I'm a daring person. Well, What are you doing here?
Rii: What do you mean? What do people come to a college to do? Do you think everyone is like you, who only knows to do time pass?
Sidd: Excuse me? Mind your language.
Seeing all this, Anu gets confused as well as surprised. And other people are watching it.
Anu: You guys know each other?
Sidd: Yes. We were in the same school in 12th.Seeing Anu also with Sidd, Riyaz says, "Oh! So two stupid people are together in a team?" Anu: You idiot!! Whom did you say stupid?
Rii: Who else are stupids here except you two?
Sidd angrily catches Riyaz's collar, "Youuuu!!!"Riyaz also holds Sidd's collar and both of them starts fighting there.
Abhi tries to stop them, "Guys stop it!"
Sidd: No dada! Today I'll end the chapter of this Riyaz.
Rii: Abhi bhai! I am not going to leave your brother today.
And they are again trying to hold each other's neck but then Abhi shouted, "Stop you two! I said stop!!"They both got silent, not only them, the whole corridor fell into silence as Abhi never shouts but today he did. All were staring them. Abhi glared at all of them and gestured them to return to their work. They all return to their respective works. Abhi turns back to Sidd and Riyaz. Abhi: Now you both listen to me. I don't want any drama here in the college. Whatever problem you have with each other, solve that outside of the college. Whatever happened today, should not be repeated again. Is it clear?
Sidd and Riyaz look at each other angrily, but don't say anything.
Abhi: Now you both go to your own classes.
Abhi (to Anu): Take him to the class (pointing towards Sidd).
Anu: Siddharth! Let's go.
They both goes from there. And after them, Riyaz also goes.

After a while,
Abhi is coming back to his class, but suddenly his eyes go on the stairs of the auditorium. These stairs mostly remain empty, as people come to the auditorium only when there is any function in the college.
Abhi looks there, a girl is sitting there alone. After looking a little carefully, he gets to know that it's Vaishnavi.
Abhi goes near her, "Vaishnavi?"
Vaishnavi turns back and looks at him.
Abhi: What are you doing here alone?
Vaish: Ah... nothing.
Abhi: Is everything okay?
Vaish: Yeah. Actually... I don't like to be among so many people. I love to be alone mostly.
Abhi: And why so?
Vaish: Because since childhood, I'm living my life like this.
Abhi: Like this? I mean... alone?
Vaish: Yes.
Abhi: Why? What about your parents?
Vaish: You know what? My parents are always busy in their works, both of them. They come back to home only at night, and then again go in the morning. They don't even get the time to talk to me.
Abhi: What? So much busy? And what about your friends? You can spend your time with them.
Vaish: I don't have any friend.
Abhi: What? Are you serious? How can someone stay without friends? You have studied till 12th in school, still you don't have any friend?
Vaish: No! I never tried to have friendship with anyone. I learnt to live alone and that's it.
Abhi: But why?
Vaish: Don't know why... but I think when my own parents don't care for me, then why an unknown person will?
Abhi: Listen. I agree that you parents should spend some time with you. But maybe they have work loads, and that's why they are not able to do so. But you shouldn't feel yourself alone. They still love you.
Vaishnavi looks at Abhi with disappointed eyes.
Abhi: Do you know? My family is everything to me. But besides them, my friends are also very important to me. Friendship is a relation that we don't get with born, but when you can't share anything with your family, your friends help you that time. Well, I think you should once try to befriend with someone. If you think that that person is not trustworthy, then it's ok, don't have a friendship with him or her.
Vaish: I should make friends? But whom should I befriend with?

To Be Continued...

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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