74. Jealous Vaishu

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While the class is going on,

Vaish (POV): Looks like Abhi is hurt because of my behaviour these days. I thought seeing me talking with that Abhishek every time, Abhi will be jealous... but now this jealousy game is overshadowing me. Now how will I tell him that Abhishek has called me today too.

After some time, the class ends.

Abhishek calls Vaishu, but as Abhi was also there, Vaishu cuts his call.

Abhi notices it, "What happened? Whose call it was?"

Vaish: No... no one.

Abhi: You don't need to hide dude! I know who it would be... Abhishek, right? What happened? Why are you ignoring him? He is calling you? Then go na.

Vaish: Arey but...

Abhi: But what? Go, who is stopping you?

Vaish: Ah... are you sure?

Abhi: Yeah!

Vaishu thinks for a while, "Umm... Okay."

She calls back Abhishek and tells him that she is coming. And then she turns back towards Abhi, but he is not there on his seat. She looks here and there and sees that Abhi is with Priya.

She takes her bag, and goes to him.

Vaish: Abhi! Why did you come here?

Abhi: Why? Do you have any work with me?

Vaish: No...

Abhi: Then? So... you're going to meet him?

Vaish: Yes.

Abhi: Okay bye!

And Abhi again gets busy with Priya. Vaishu feels that today Abhi's behaviour is quite different.

Vaish (POV): Why he is ignoring me like this? I didn't even go out of the class yet and he went to Priya. What will happen after I'll actually go?

Abhi: Arey you're still here? What happened?

Vaish: No... nothing. Ok then... I'm going.

Then Vaishu moves ahead towards the door, but her eyes are still on Abhi. She steps out of the class, but then again steps back and peeps into the class... Abhi is still talking with that Priya.

Vaish (POV): Oh god! Why Abhi is getting so much close to Priya today? Should I go to that Abhishek or stay here with this Abhi?

But then finally she goes from there.

Just after that, Abhi looks at the door. Then he goes there and checks if Vaishu is still there or not. But as you know... Vaishu has already gone from there, he doesn't find her there.

Abhi (POV): Oh god! Did she really go? Don't why Ashu and others want me to ignore her like this. She must be feeling bad because of my behaviour today. And moreover, I couldn't even stop her by going to that Abhishek. Don't know where they are going today? I don't trust that guy... I just can't let her go alone there.

Abhi was about to go behind Vaishu, but before that, Sidd and Rii come in his way.

Sidd: Arey! Where are you going?

Abhi: Ah... I was just going for some important work.

Rii: Yeah, and we know what important work you were going for!

Sidd: Yes! While coming to you, we saw Vaishu di going, and I guess she is going to meet that Abhishek, right?

Rii: And you were about to go behind them, just as you did on their first meeting, right?

Abhi: Offoo! Guys, what do you want from me? Since morning, I didn't even talk to her properly. And now you are not even letting me go behind her.

Rii: You can't go!

Sidd: Exactly! In Amitabh Bachchan's voice, No means no!

Abhi: Oh god! By the way, why did you come to me?

Sidd: Good question.

Rii: Yeah, so we have thought of something for you. Are you free now?

Abhi: Umm... yeah.

Rii: Then come with us.

Sidd: And yes, please take your phone with us. I think you haven't taken it out from your bag yet. Or else, we called you so many times, didn't you even feel the vibration?

Abhi: Oh yes. Sorry, I forgot about my phone.

Abhi goes and takes out his phone from his bad and then, Sidd and Rii take Abhi to Rii's class.

On the other side,

Abhishek and Vaishu are in a park. That park is really very beautiful, not much away from the college. Abhishek brings two cold drinks for them and gives one to Vaishu. Then he starts talking with her.

While Abhishek is continuously talking to Vaishu, she is lost in another world. Okay, she is thinking about Abhi and looking at her phone again and again, because Abhi hasn't replied to her message that she sent to him almost half an hour ago.

Vaish (POV): Why Abhi hasn't replied me yet? Is he still busy with Priya? Oh god! Did I make any mistake by leaving him alone there with another girl? I'm just afraid that he doesn't replace me with Priya in his life. Though... I don't know what are my values in his life... but at least we are good friends na. He must be thinking that I'm enjoying here with this Abhishek, so he also should enjoy with his other friends. That's why he didn't even react when he got to know that I'm going to meet Abhishek.

Meanwhile, when Abhishek doesn't get any replies from Vaishu, whom she is talking with for so long, he looks at her. He notices that she is lost in some thoughts.

Abhishek shakes her, "Vaishnavi!"

Vaish: Yeah?

Abhi S: Where are you lost? What are you thinking about so deeply?

Vaish: See na... I've messaged Abhi, I mean my college friend Abhi, quite a while ago. But he didn't even see my message yet.

Abhi S: Is it something important?

To Be Continued...

Now who will speak his/her heart first?

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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