58. One more misunderstanding

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Riyaz also gets angry at Sidd's behaviour.

Rii: Excuse me! (frees his collar from Sidd) First of all, whatever you want to say, say it normally. Don't dare to touch my collar. And the second thing, did you call me here just to fight with me?

Sidd: No! I called you to talk to you about something... but looks like now there is no need to talk to you. Because everything is clear now.

Rii: What? What has been cleared... what are you talking about??

Sidd: That you are a cheater! You are that crazy guy who can do anything to get what he wants.

Rii: Means? What did I do??

Sidd: You tried to hurt my brother.

Rii: What? When? When did I do so??

Sidd: When we were coming back from the basketball court after the practise...

*Flashback to that time when Abhi and Sidd were returning from the practise,

Sidd and Abhi were going to their classes. On the way, they were discussing about the match. Suddenly, don't know from where a skateboard comes on their way. And unknowingly, Abhi puts his feet on it and he slips. The good thing is that Sidd was also there. He holds Abhi's hand and saves him from falling.

Sidd: Dada! Are you okay?

Abhi: Yeah! Thanks for saving me.

Sidd: No problem. But where did this skateboard come from?

Abhi: Don't know. But the thing is that nothing happened to me, otherwise, we had to face a big problem on tomorrow's match.

Sidd: Exactly!

*At present time...

Rii: Oh my god! When did this happen? He is fine na? Did he get any injury?

Sidd: You'll be sad to hear that he is absolutely fine. And your plan is totally flopped!

Rii: Excuse me? My plan?? But why will I do so?

Sidd: Do you think me a fool? You are fond of captaincy na? You think that I won't understand your plan?? (in anger) As long as it was up to me, I was tolerating it. But now, you have crossed your limits. You are targeting my dada? What do you think... by hurting dada, you can proof yourself best? If you are a real player na, then proof yourself on the ground. Don't even dare to do such a deed again! Otherwise...

Rii: Enough!!! Enough is enough bro! Like really? How can you say it with so much confidence that I did such a nasty thing? How can you blame me without any proof?

Sidd: Proof? You want proof na? Then what's this?

Sidd shows him the photo that he got in the canteen. In that photo, Riyaz is seen putting the skateboard in the path of Abhishek. Looking at it, Rii gets surprised.

Rii: What the hell!! How can this happen? I never even saw this skateboard. This photo is fake. Siddharth, trust me.

Sidd: Trust and on you? Seriously?

Sidd: Trust and that too on you? Seriously? You know what? I'm not so stupid who will believe you again and again and will be cheated every time. I understood your plan very well. Now beware of me. If anyhow I get to know that you are planning anything against me or my dada... then no one will be worse than me, remember that.

Sidd ends the conversation there and he steps forward.

Rii takes a deep breathe, "Siddharth!"

Sidd stops and turns back.

Rii: You know what? Till date, I used to think that you are a gullible boy who gets easily seduced by anyone. But now, I think I was wrong. You're not gullible, you are stupid! A foolish guy, who never thinks twice before judging someone. Whatever you see or hear, you trust on that. But why don't you understand that sometimes, our eyes can be deceived, our ears can hear wrong. For a time, I thought that the misconception between us has been going on for so many days, it may be over now. But you proved me wrong. Making you my friend was the biggest mistake of my life.

Saying this, Riyaz goes from there. But Sidd's legs stop there. He seems to be hurt by Riyaz's words. Specially the last line, "Making you my friend was the biggest mistake of my life", is echoing in his ears.

The next day,

Both the teams are preparing themselves for the match. Within 15 mins the match will start. But looks like Abhi is looking for someone in the audiences.

Anu and Jann are also in the audiences.

Jann: Anu, do you know what happened yesterday?

Anu: What?

Jann: Didn't Rii tell you anything?

Anu: He is not even replying to my message. Don't know why! I wanted to ask him... but will talk to him after the match. You tell me, what happened?

Jann: Yesterday, Bawla and Rii had a big fight.

Anu: What? When? How??

Jann tells her everything.

Anu: Oh no! Now what about our plan? Everything is spoiled!

Jann: Don't worry!

Anu: What don't worry? Jannu, how will we reunite them now??

Jann: Anu! Calm down. Trust me nothing will happen. We both know who are behind all this?

Anu: Only we know the truth, they don't.

On the other side,

Abhi's eyes are searching Vaishu in the crowd, as she said that she won't be able to come to see the match.

Sidd comes to him, "Dada!"

Abhi: Yeah?

Sidd: Won't Vaishu di come?

Abhi: How would I know?

Sidd: Why? Didn't you talk to her?

Abhi: If you are so curious to know, then why don't you call her yourself?

Sidd: Okay! (he calls Vaishnavi) She is not picking up my call.

Abhi: It means she won't come.

Sidd: But why?

Abhi: She has some more important work. Anyway, you get ready for the match... it's gonna start within a while.

Sidd: Yeah!

And then Rii comes in front of Sidd. They both look at each other, but don't say anything. 

To Be Continued...

I know you all want Sidyaz reunion now... 

Okay, so it will be there in the next chapter for sure😜

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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