57. Trying to clear up the misunderstandings

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Sidd doesn't reply to anyone and just goes from there. And everyone is surprised to see this behavior of Sidd.

Anu: What happened to him?

Abhi: Don't know. Just a while ago he was totally fine. Then what happened suddenly?

Vaish: Abhi, you should ask him why he is looking so tensed.

But Abhi is also angry with Vaish. He is not even talking to her nowadays. In class also, he is not sitting with her. So, he just ignores Vaishnavi.

Abhi: Ah... guys, we should go to our homes now. I'll talk to Ashi later at home.

Rii: Yeah okay.

Then they all leave from there.

In the evening,

Abhi enters into Sidd's room. Sidd is still looking upset and worried.

Abhi goes near Sidd, "Ashu?"

Sidd looks at him.

Abhi: What happened?

Sidd: No... nothing.

Abhi: You're trying to hiding from me? I understand you very well. And I can see that something is bothering you, but what? You can share it with me na.

Sidd: No dada! It's just the match's pressure.

Abhi: Oh c'mon bro! It's just a match. And victory and defeat go on in games. Then why are you worrying so much?

Sidd: It's not a simple match dada. It's the question of our college's reputation. From last three years, our college is winning. So I just don't our college to win this time too.

Abhi: It's okay dude! Take it easy. And now let's go to, we'll watch our favourite show together.

After the dinner, in the night, Sidd again thinks about Riyaz.

Sidd (POV): I should not believe Kabir. I know it must be their plan to create problem among our team members. But what if whatever he said was true? I can't believe Riyaz also. I remember what he did to me in school. Oh god!!! I'm hell confused... whom should I trust and whom not??

After thinking a little,

Sidd: I'm done! Believing Kabir will be a stupidity. Trusting Rii is better than that. At least he is not really a bad person. So... tomorrow I'll talk to Rii.

And finally, he decides to clear everything between them by talking to Riyaz.

The next day...

Today is the last day of practise, as tomorrow is the final match.

On one side, Abhi and Vaish's problem is not solving. Whenever Vaishu tries to talk to Abhi, he only asks the reason. But don't know why she is not telling anything. And Abhishek is getting angrier because of her behaviour.

On the other side, Anu and Jann are being happy by thinking that their plan is working very well. And soon, mission Sidyaz reunion will be accomplished.

So, today, the team practiced the whole day. During the practise session, Sidd tried many times to talk to Riyaz, but couldn't. And now, the practise is done. The players are asked to go back to their classes, or to their homes if they want.

Riyaz goes to his class. He just sits and his phone rings. He checks... it's a message from Siddharth.

Sidd messaged, "Hey! Can we meet?"

For a moment, Rii gets surprised to see the message.

Rii (POV): Sidd is calling me to meet him? Really??

Then he replies to Sidd's message, "Yeah sure!"

Sidd: Cool! See you in the canteen in 10 mins."

Rii: Okay.

After a while,

Sidd comes to the canteen. There are not much people as mostly students are in the class at this time. He goes and sits on a chair, waiting for Rii to come.

He gets busy on his phone, and suddenly someone colloids with his table.

Sidd looks at him.

"Oh! Sorry."

Sidd: It's okay.

That boy goes from there. And then, Sidd notices and envelope on his table. He picks it up, "This envelope? Where did this come?"

Then he remembers that the boy who just collided with his table, it must be his.

"Excuse me...", he raises his head to look for that boy, but he is nowhere.

Sidd: Arey! Where did that boy vanish?

He looks here and there, but that boy is no where in the canteen. Then Sidd looks at the envelope again. It has written 'to: Siddharth Nigam' on it.

Sidd is surprised to see that, "This is for me only? But who sent this to me?"

The sender's name is not written on it.

Sidd opens the envelope. There is a photo in it. And seeing that photo, Sidd's facial expression changes. He gets very angry. He gets up from the chair and leaves from the canteen.

As soon as he comes out of the canteen, he meets Riyaz there.

Rii: Hey Siddharth! Ah... sorry. Actually, an unknown person came and started bothering me...

Before he can say anything more, Sidd directly holds his collar.

Rii: Hey! What are you doing??

Sidd (in anger): You cheater!! I wanted to give you another chance, but no. You're not eligible to be trusted by someone. All you know is cheating others to proof yourself the best.

Rii: What? What are you saying? I didn't understand anything.

Sidd: You're not understanding anything, or you're not trying to understand what I am talking about?

To Be Continued...

What was in the photo that Sidd again got angry on Rii??

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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