94. Friends' efforts

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After that,

Sidd: Hello, uncle?

"Now what do you want to say? Haven't you heard what the kidnappers said?", Zubair uncle replies in anger.

Rii: Uncle, that's why we are saying... we should go to police for help. If you talk to any high post officer, they will start their investigation quickly. So...

"NO!", Uncle interrupts Rii, "No one will go to police. Haven't you heard the threat of that guy? We won't go to police. I'll give him the money that he asked and everything will be sorted out."

Abhi: But uncle...

Uncle: I said na! We are not going to police and it's final. Now I don't want more arguments. By the way, I don't have much time to waste by talking with you. I've to go to bank.

And then, before anyone could say anything else, he cuts the call.

Anu: Oh no! He cut the call. Now what will we do?

Rii: Why doesn't he want to go to police? He is ready to give the amount that the kidnappers asked. Is there any guarantee that after taking the money, they will leave Jannat?

Abhi: Did you hear what that guy said about that his boys? [*the thing is my boys don't have good characters. And your girl is also so beautiful and... so I won't be able to stop them for so long.] I don't know if they will leave Jannat after getting the money... but if by giving the money, we can get back Jannat, then I don't think that we should take a risk by going to police. I just hope that she stays safe.

Meanwhile, Vaishu notices that Sidd is lost somewhere, maybe he is thinking something. Vaishu puts her hand on Sidd's shoulder, "Sidd?"

Sidd looks at Vaishu.

Vaish: What happened? What are you thinking?

Sidd: What else shall I think this time? All this is my fault! Neither I would have left her behind, nor all this have happened. I wish! I wish I would have turned back once and checked if she is there or not. I'm so irresponsible.

Anu goes and sits beside Sidd, "Sidd! Don't blame yourself yar. There was no fault of yours. And if it is... then even I was also there with you... it's my fault too. I also could have checked once... but we didn't know na that this would have happened.

Abhi: Guys! It's not the right time to play the blame game man!

Vaish: Yeah! And moreover, what was meant to happen has happened already. Now we should think what to do next.

Rii: That's the problem na! Zubair uncle is not listening to us. What can we do now?

Abhi: But I think he is also right at his place. He just doesn't want that anything happens to Jannat. And if kidnappers get to know that we have involved police in all this, don't know what they will do with her.

Vaish: But thing is... we can't sit here by putting hand on hand.

"Guys!", Sidd interrupts, "I think... dada is right. Uncle has talked with the kidnapper and until he doesn't come to Ratnagiri, we shouldn't spoil anything by going to police or like that. But! But... Rii is also not wrong. What if they really don't leave Jannat after taking the money? Or else, is there any guarantee that they won't do anything to her?"

Anu: Right! We should have a backup plan. Or, we should do something!

Rii: But what?

"Investigation by our own!", Sidd says with a confidence on his face, "We will put as much effort as we can."

Seeing that confidence on Sidd's face, Abhi feels that something is going on in Sidd's mind.

"Do you have any plan?", Abhi asks.

Sidd: No... I don't have any plan. But we'll make it.

Anu: I think... like we found that Jannu came to this side with a blind old man, we should find out where did she go from here.

Sidd: Or else, who was that old man? Good idea Anu!

Rii: But how will we find out that? Means... you already asked to that hawker na. He said that he doesn't remember that old man's getup very well.

"From there!", Vaishu points to a CCTV camera which is there in the restaurant, turning towards the road. And everyone looks at that side.

Abhi: CCTV camera?

Sidd: Yes! It may help us.

Anu: But do you think that the owner will help us?

Rii: Let's try once na!

Abhi: Yeah, right. Let's go.

Abhi and Sidd goes to a waiter who was serving there.

Sidd: Hey listen!

Abhi points to the camera, "Is that CCTV working?"


Sidd: Can we see its footage?

"No! Customers or public are not allowed to see the footage."

Abhi: Please, it's really very important.

Sidd: If we request to the owner, will he allow us?

"I don't think so. He is a very strict person. He won't allow any civilian to check the footage."

Vaishu, who was standing nearby, heard their conversation. She comes to them.

"Can you help us? I'll pay you for this.", She says in a low voice.

"But mam..."

Vaish: See! One of our friends is missing. We just want to find her. We can't take police's help, we are helpless. You please help us. I... I'll pay you 3000. What say?

"Okay. I'll try."

Abhi looks at Vaishu and expresses that he is impressed, "Wow!"

Vaish just smiles casually.

"See, I can do one thing. You tell me the time and duration of the footage that you want. I'll bring a copy of it."

"Yeah...", Vaishu looks towards Sidd, "What was the time?"

Sidd: Ah... it was... around 3 or 3:30 I think.

Abhi: Yes. Our bus was about to depart at 3:30, so we reached before that. It means... it all happened before 3:30.

Vaish: Right!

Abhi (to the waiter): Bro! Do one thing. You bring the footage of 3 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

"Okay! You wait for some time. I'll bring it as soon as I will get any chance."

Sidd: Please do it fast. We don't have much time.

Vaish: Yeah... already we wasted so much time.

The waiter goes from there.

And then Abhi, Sidd and Vaishu come to Rii and Anu.

Rii: What happened?

Sidd: He was refusing earlier. But then dii offered him some money and he agreed to bring a copy secretly.

Anu: Great! Thanks di.

Vaish: It's okay yar. She is my friend too.

Meanwhile, Sidd takes out his phone and starts doing something in it, maybe writing a message or like that.

Abhi sees this, "Ashu, what are you doing?"

To Be Continued...

Will they be able to find anything??

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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