76. The love letter

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Vibha aunty is sleeping in her room. While passing though Abhi's room, Sidd hears some sound from that room. Sidd opens his eyes properly and sees that the door is slightly open and the light in the room is on.

Sidd peeps into the room. Abhi hasn't slept yet. He is writing something... looks like trying to write the love letter... he is looking in so much stress. And Sidd is laughing on this poor situation of Abhi.

Sidd (POV): Oh god! What will happen of these lovers?

Well, Sidd doesn't disturb Abhi. He slowly closes the door so that the light doesn't come out of the room. Then he goes to the kitchen, fills his water bottle and goes back to his room.

The next morning,

Sidd is driving his bike and Abhi is on the back seat.

Sidd: Dada, when did you sleep last night?

Abhi (with his sleepy eyes): At night? I was feeling so sleepy that I slept early last night.

Sidd: Oh really? But your eyes are saying something else.

Abhi: Ah... no... actually...

Sidd: Dada! I used to think that besides being brothers, we are best friends too. But nowadays, the way you are hiding things from me, you are proving me wrong.

Abhi: Why are you saying like this, Ashu?

Sidd: What else should I say? Why are you lying to me? I know very well that you were writing your love letter till late night. But what is need of hiding it from me? I already know about you and Vaishu di, and also, I never exposed your secrets to maa.

Abhi: Okayyy... I'm sorry. Really very sorry. You know what? These days I'm getting nervous very easily. So I think to tell the truth... but don't know how, only false comes out of my mouth. But you please don't get angry with me like this.

Sidd: It's ok. But you take care from the next time. Not only with me, you can share your talks with each and every person of our group.

Abhi: Yeah, you are right. You guys are the only people who are helping me in this matter of love.

Sidd: By the way, did you complete your letter?

Abhi: Yeah, I think so. I just hope that she likes it and gives a positive reply.

Sidd: Don't worry.

And thus, they reach to the college.

In the college, Abhi goes to Sidd's class first. There, Rii and Anu were talking casually.

Sidd: Hey! Good morning.

Anu: Hi Sidd! Hello bhaiya!

Rii: Morning! Bhaiya, have you written the letter?

Abhi: Umm... yes.

Sidd: Yeah, he finished it till late night.

Anu: Ohoo! So what did you write in it? Show me na.

Abhi: N-no. What will you do by seeing that letter? I want only Vaishu to read this.

Rii: Ohh! Are there any private things written in the letter that no one else can read it?

Sidd: Arey he is shying to show it to everyone, isn't it, dada?

Abhi: Right! This is the only reason.

Anu: Arey but I wanted to see that. I never read any love letter till date.

Rii: Really? Don't say that no boy had a crush on you till date.

Anu (blushes): When did I say so? I only said about love letter. Because till date, either the boy himself came and proposed me or I got to know about it by his friends.

Sidd: Ohoo! So how many boys proposed you till date, ha?

Abhi (pointing to Anu's blushing face): Arey! Just look at her face... she is blushing.

Anu: Oh c'mon! That's not the topic we were talking about. Don't change the actual topic.

Rii: No no! You have to tell it today.

Sidd: Yes. You yourself are changing the topic now.

Anu: Sidd, it would be better if you don't say anything, ha!

Sidd: Arey! What did I do?

Anu: You're the person of our group, who gets girls' friendship request on every single day. First, you tell us, did you ever have crush on any girl?

Sidd: Umm... Arey I just remember! Where is Bawli? Didn't she come yet?

Rii: Lol! No one is ready to talk about his/her crush. Abhi bhaiya is the only person who accepted that he has someone in his life.

Sidd: Oh hello! He didn't accept it by himself. I made him accept that.

Abhi: Okay... leave it! You were asking about Jannu na?

Sidd: Yeah! Where is she?

Anu: Don't know. Let me call her.

Anu calls Jannu and puts the phone on speaker.

Jann (on call): Hey Anu! Good morning.

Anu: Morning! Jannu, where are you? Come to our class na... everyone is here.

Jann: Arey I can't come yar. I'm not even in the college now.

Anu: Why? Where are you?

Jann: I'm not coming to college today.

Sidd: What? Why?

Jann: Arey Bawla! You're also there? Oh sorry. How did I forget that you all are in the same class right now!

Sidd: But why are you not coming to college today?

Jann: Arey today my father and the whole family is invited to a function of his friend. And I also have to go there. Actually, we are just about to leave now.

Anu: Oh! It's ok. Enjoy the function.

Jann: Yeah, thanks. Will see you guys tomorrow.

Sidd: Arey but didn't you know that dada is going to propose Vaishu di?

Jann: Has he written the letter?

Rii: Yeah, that's why now we are thinking how to give it to her.

Jann: Oh, is it? No worries. Whenever you guys need me, you can call me. I can be connected to you all via call. By the way, don't forget to inform me what she replies.

Abhi: Yeah, sure! But before that, we have to think how to give it to her.

Jann: Arey why are you thinking so much? Just go and put it on her table na.

Abhi: But what if any other person sees it?

Sidd: Then put it into her bag. She will see the letter when she will open her bag.

Rii: Arey but what if the letter falls down from her bag while taking out any book or notebook or something else?

Abhi: Yeah, exactly!

Meanwhile, Vaishu also comes in the class, "Hey guys!"

Seeing her, everyone gets nervous, thinking if she heard anything or not.

To Be Continued...

Did Vaishu really hear anything?

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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