41. A sad story

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The next day...

The college has been started. Abhi is in his class. But Vaishnavi hasn't come to the college yet. The teacher comes in the class and starts teaching.

Abhi (POV): Where is Vaishnavi? Why hasn't she come yet?

He is thinking about her, and meanwhile she reaches there.

"May I come in sir?", She takes permission and then enters in the class.

Seeing her, Abhi feels relaxed.

Vaishnavi comes and sits on her seat, beside him.

Abhi (in a low voice): Hey Vaishnavi! Why are you late today?

Vaish doesn't replies anything.

Then Abhi looks at her face carefully... she is looking a little upset.

Abhi: What happened?

Vaish: No-nothing.

Abhi: But your face doesn't say that nothing has happened. Tell me na. Is everything okay?

Vaish: Do you know face reading? I'm saying na nothing has happened.

But suddenly the teacher sees them talking and interrupts them and orders to keep quiet.

That time Abhi doesn't say anything more. But he has still that question in her mind that what happened to Vaishnavi and why is she so upset.

After the class ends,

Abhi: Vaishnavi! Will you tell me or not?

Vaish: What? What do you want to know?

Abhi: Why are you upset? What happened? Did anyone say anything to you?

Vaish: See! I already told you that I'm totally fine. Nothing has happened to me. Please don't irritate me by asking me the same question again and again.

And then, she gets up from her seat and goes out of the class.

Abhi: Vaishnavi listen...

After some time, she comes back to the class when the teacher has started the class. And during the whole class, she doesn't say anything to Abhi or anyone else.

Then at lunch time,

Abhi: Hello madam? Are you coming to canteen with us?

Vaish: No, I won't.

Abhi: But why?

Sidd, Anu and Jann come there in Abhi's class.

Sidd: What happened dada?

Anu: Let's go to canteen na.

Abhi: No, I'm not coming.

Jann: Why? What happened?

Abhi: I'll come only if Vaishnavi also comes with us.

Anu: But why Vaishnavi di is not coming?

Abhi: Ask to her. She isn't telling me anything. You try if she replies to you.

Anu: What happened di? Why are you not coming to canteen?

Vaish: Nothing Anushka. You guys go.

Jann: This is not fair di. Last night also you left us and went home without even having dinner with us. And now also you are refusing to go canteen with us. Can you please tell what actually happened to you?

Meanwhile, Rii calls Anu and says that he is waiting for them in the canteen. Anu tells him everything. Then Riyaz also comes there.

And after that, they all anyhow manage to take Vaishnavi to the canteen by emotional blackmailing and all.

In the canteen,

Vaishnavi isn't talking with anyone, she is just seated there with them. Abhi and others try to make her happy.

Sidd was talking about what Vibha aunt's (his mother's) reaction after knowing about Jannat. Then Anu also start discussing what was her parents' reaction when she talked about Riyaz to them.

Listening all this, Vaishnavi breaks her silence, "You guys are so lucky that you have your parents to share your talks with them. And they spend so much time with them."

Abhi (to Vaish): Oh! I understood. It means that something has happened related to your parents, right? Let me guess... got it! Yesterday you joined us in the party and didn't inform your parents about that. And for that, they must have scolded you and this is the reason behind your off mood. Isn't it?

Jann: What? Why didn't you inform them?

Anu: Yeah, everyone asked to their parents first and only after that we agreed to go to Jannat's home. You should have also called your parents.

Abhi: I already told you to call and inform them that you are with your parents. But you didn't listen to me...

Vaish: There is nothing like that Abhishek! When I went home, they didn't even ask me why did I come so late and where I was till late night.

Sidd: What? But why? Do they never ask anything to you?

Vaish: No! Nothing at all!

Abhi: Then what's the reason of your sadness?

Vaish: You really want to know? Ok then. Do you remember once I told you that my parents never spend time with me?

Abhi: Yeah, and you told that never had friends before.

Vaish: Yes. Last night, in the party, my mumma called me and asked me to come home as soon as possible. I told her that I'm with my friends and I'll come back after some time. But she said, "No! Come to home right now." And I never like to argue with them and that's why I went from the party.

Rii: But why did she call you to home like that?

Vaish: Because my parents were leaving that time.

Anu: Leaving? Where?

Vaish (gets emotional): Actually, they went out of town for almost one week.

Abhi: Your mother and father both? Then how will you live alone? Is there anyone else at our home?

Vaish: Where and how shall I live, that's my problem. They don't care about that.

Jann: Means?

Vaish: Means when I reached home, they just handed over the house's keys to me and told to take care of myself and the house.

Vaishnavi starts crying.

Abhi: Hey don't cry please.

Rii: Are you habitual to this? I mean... is this the first time or you have stayed alone before also?

Vaish: No! They usually leave me alone like this.

Anu: Then what's the problem? This is not the first time, then why are you so upset this time?

Vaishnavi cries badly after listening this. She is crying more and more and everyone is trying to stop her. And thus crying, suddenly worsens her health. She starts having pain in her heart.

And then they all take her to the hospital immediately. 

To Be Continued...

What's the reason of Vaishnavi's sadness??

Stay Tuned for next Part!!


Signing Off~


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