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Jenny's pov

my feet stepped into another airplane, passing by flight attendants who greeted the whole group. kayla and emily sat next to each other, leaving me as i looked around, trying to figure out where my seat was. looking back at my ticket, i found my row, which was a couple rows behind them. opening the overhead compartment, i shoved my carry on bag in, closing it tightly before sitting at the window seat.

as i yawned, my tired eyes still burning, i spotted timothée and harry as they walked in, causing me to immediately look at the empty seat by me. i avoided them all morning, still overwhelmed by the story they had shared with me.

i made eye contact with timothée as he entered the column, and i looked at the seat by me before making the decision of putting my book there. he had his shades on, cracking a smile as he watched what i did.

"is this seat taken?" he asked, stopping at my row as he leaned against the chair next to him.

"um yes." i said, pointing at the book, "see?"

timothée slowly nodded before he turned his head, pretending to look around. "i don't see anyone though."

i looked around too, spotting the only person who was up, holding his carry on bag as he looked for his seat.

"marley." i said loudly, pointing at him.

marley's head quickly shot at me, confused as to why i had just called his name. i guess he could tell by the strong stare i gave him and the hand gesture for him to come over here—he went along with my words and approached the row i sat at.

"i was looking for you—" he said to me as he opened the overhead compartment, "hey man." he said, pretending like he had just spotted timothée.

timothée nodded his head at him before he walked away, sitting two rows behind me where harry was sitting. as soon as i knew he was out of sight i began to silently laugh, turning my head to the side.

"what?" marley said with a laugh as he sat down, removing his sunglasses.

"nothing, i'm just surprised you went along with that so well." i said, and he handed me my book that was on his seat. "why?" i asked.

"you seemed to be needing the help." he said, placing his neck pillow behind him as he got comfortable in his seat.

"i'm not going to thank you, but if you were a normal person i would say thank you right now." i said, buckling my seatbelt.

the flight attendants began their demonstrations, marley leaning in to tell me "you're welcome."

i rolled my eyes as i crossed my arms, watching the flight attendant in front of us. "i didn't thank you." i said quietly, "did you forget i still hate you?" i asked, turning my head to look at him.

"well you seem to be avoiding someone that's not me, so i'll take your hatred over that." he said before buckling his seatbelt, focusing on the demonstrations.

i still don't get why marley was suddenly interested in ending our feud, so i was still very cautious around him. after all, he was the man who was blackmailing my friends, why would i ever be on good terms with him?

when i woke up this morning, the first thing i thought of was alex. i didn't know how she looked, but i don't think i needed to know. i wondered how she felt while falling, what was her initial realization? was the image of harry and timothée stuck in her mind? were the colorful fireworks seen in her scared eyes? did it hurt when she hit the ground? or did everything just feel numb.

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