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marley character reveal ^^ (if yall simp...therapy luv <3 )
(also if the vid doesn't work, click on the youtube title and watch it there or click the link in my bio)


Jenny's pov

"read this and see what you can come up with." harry said as he tossed his journal over to me.

it neary fell to the floor, causing me to move forward as i caught it. his feet on the ground, he moved right to left in his desk chair as i could feel his stare on me.

the words "canyon moon" were written largely at the top, and i began to read the words he'd written underneath.

i nodded as i read them, reading them in harrys voice. i didn't know the instrumental sample that he wrote this off of, so i just read them as they were.

i noticed all the times he's crossed off a word or sentence, it was like i went through his thought process while song writing.

i let out a yawn as i opened my bag, looking for my journal.

"did my lyrics bore you?" he joked.

"what? no—i'm just tired, how are you not?" i said while pulling out my journal. he was the one that had to actually perform anyways, yet he sat here like it was nothing.

he lifted up his cup of coffee, "you should've gotten some."

"there's coffee here?" i asked while handing his journal back to him, and he nodded.

i stared at him as he turned the page, wanting to leave and get some. yes, i wanted coffee, but i more importantly wanted to leave this room right now. not only did i feel bad for wasting my time with timothée instead of meeting with harry—i also felt nervous as to why harry was so mad that night.

"if you're waiting for me to give you permission, now's your time." he said without looking at me.

i shot up from my seat without hesitating, reaching the door.
"i won't take long." i said, knowing i had lied before leaving the room.

i didn't even ask him where to get coffee, so i'm sure he knew i lied too. i saw timothée entering the hall i was in, and he quickly turned back, causing me to let out a "hey-no, wait."

he didn't listen, continuing to walk away as i ran to catch up with him, holding onto his arm.

"stop avoiding me." i said as i pulled him in my direction, making him face me.

"i'm not avoiding you." he denied, looking down at me.

"just tell me what you want, because i'm confused." i said, letting go of his arm, "and don't give me a bullshit answer."

he crossed his arms as i spoke, looking to his side. why was he avoiding my eye contact?

"hey." i said softly, turning his head towards me.

he quickly pushed my arm away, "don't." he said, finally looking at me.

"we kissed, that's it. what else do you need to know?" he said before beginning to walk away from me.

"so you're saying it meant nothing?" i said, "and the talk we had before, i bet that was meaningless too, right?" i said a little louder for him to hear as he was half way down the hallway.

he slowly stopped in his tracks, turning around to reveal his annoyed expression. he began to take quick steps towards me, my flight reflexes made me want to run away from him the second he began to approach me. instead i took some slow steps backwards as he got closer, hitting the wall behind me.

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