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Jenny's pov

"so you're not coming?" kayla's voice whined through my phone. i had her on speaker as i worked on my laptop.

"no, harry sent me some sample tracks i gotta listen to and work on—well technically james sent them, but you get it." i said with a sigh as i moved my mouse through the vocal tracks.

i had only realized once opening the files that they were samples of canyon moon, the song i've been helping him with. they were raw and haven't been cut yet, meaning i had to go through each recording and scrap the mistakes while cropping the vocals to match the instrumentals. it sounded complicated but it made sense in my mind, this was only form of producing i was good at—i've worked on many samples in the label.

"just make marley do them—he's a bitch, but he's a producer after all." kayla said, causing me to laugh.

"i can't, i got it, really. i have to try and write some stuff too, so he wouldn't be much help." i sighed, "besides, harry did this on purpose." i mumbled.

"i thought he was obsessed with you, why's he giving you shit to do?" she said, annoyed. i smiled a little, finding her tone funny.

"because," i said as i plugged my headphones into my laptop, "he wants to keep my mind busy—it's a long story."

"speaking of stories," i heard her move on her bed, "anything interesting about alex?" she questioned.

oh yeah, i forgot that i had asked her and emily about it yesterday. as much as i wanted to tell kayla about the night of the party, there was no chance i'd tell anyone what harry and timothée told me.

"not much, apparently they just got into a small petty argument with her that's all." i said, my words partly true.

"i figured." she said with a sigh. "anyways, can i come to your room instead then? i won't bother you i promise." she said, and i smiled again.

"fine." i said, placing the earbuds into my ears.

"i'm already outside your door." she said before she let out a laugh, and i could hear it in person from where i sat.

she hung up as i got up, opening the door for her. she came in, and i sat back on my bed, putting my headphones back on as i got comfortable in the blanket. she had a bag of sour patch kids in her hand and her laptop in the other, sitting by me as she placed a piece of candy into her mouth.

she gasped, "secret samples? lemme hear some." she said as he held a red sour patch up to my mouth, feeding it to me.

"okay, but don't tell him you heard it." i said as i chewed on the candy, the cherry flavor coating my tongue.

i took out an earbud, letting her put it in her ear before i pressed play, the intro of the song starting. i've heard it before, it was very upbeat and chill. kayla seemed to be into it, she moved her head to the music as she ate another piece of candy.

the instrumental wasn't finished yet, so the vocals were isolated. harry's voice then came in, saying "gotta see it to believe it, sky never looked so blue." and then he said "wait no let me try that again."

we both laughed, hearing him say the line again and continue the verse, singing
"so hard to leave it, that's what i always do.
so i keep thinking back to
a time under the canyon moon."

and then we heard him clear his throat and his voice get a little distant as he said "did you get it?", speaking about the vocal take.

"that's so weird i've never been apart of the behind the scenes stuff." kayla said, moving the bag towards me as she offered me more.

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