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Jenny's pov

i got up before my alarm, everyone still asleep as the sun shined bright through the large glass doors near my bed. my eyes hard to open, i slowly got out of bed, kayla sleeping peacefully next to me. i yawned as i checked my phone, it was only six in the morning, meaning i got about five hours of sleep.

normally i would go back to sleep, but being in this new environment made my body want to be productive. i pushed my hair out of my face as i walked to the sliding doors, looking out the glass to see the perfect shore right in front of me. the view was almost too pretty, the sky clear and a soft blue. i could stand here for hours and just watch the water, but i forced myself to go on with my day and brush my teeth.

i'd normally take a shower, but i didn't want to wake kayla, so i decided to go on a run and take one afterwards. besides, i had nothing else to do this morning, and i lived in the city so going on morning runs wasn't really my thing. there were more interesting trails to go on where we were, so i made up my mind and changed into black shorts and a matching sports bra. the shorts were a tight material and a bit high waisted, stopping slightly above my belly button.

i was in a better mood than i usually was most mornings, and i put my headphones in, listening to some music—which only made my mood better. i braided my hair into two french braids while listening to my comfort playlist as if it were my first time hearing it again. once i finished tying the end of the second braid, i picked up my black shoes and went downstairs. i grabbed a water bottle from the fridge before putting my shoes on, now on the couch as i tied them tightly.

"good morning!" i heard a voice.

i looked up to see alex heading down the stairs in the same attire i was in. she had her hair tied up into a pony tail, a smile on her face as she put her headphones in.

"morning run?" she asked, raising her eyebrows as if she were excited.

i nodded, forming a forced smile as i looked at her, and she smiled. "fun! i usually run alone, but it's more motivating to go with someone."

yeah, i knew she was going to say that. i'm not looking forward to this. "yeah, same!" i lied, knowing damn well i never run in the mornings.

"we should stretch first, i'll meet you outside." she said as i got up from the couch.

i nodded, heading out the door as she went to the kitchen. i began to stretch my arms, holding them behind my back as i dropped my head back, exhaling. i listened to the sound of the nature surrounding the house as i stretched each arm out, alex joining me shortly.

as long as she didn't talk to me, i think i'd be fine with her presence. even though the only thing on my mind was how she used harry. the more i stared at her, the more anger i built up in my mind, keeping my face calm. i still didn't even know the full story about what she did to him, but i'm sure if i knew, no good would come from it—i'd just be more angry.

we started walking before we began to jog, and i focused on the music in my ears, trying to pretend like i was alone. surprisingly, she didn't talk the whole way, we both just jogged around. she seemed to know where the closest trails were, so we went there and jogged past all the trees and people who were on their morning walks. i'll admit, it was nice, though i was tired and out of breath as we took a walking break.

"i realized we don't know much about each other," she said as i drank from my water bottle, "where're you from?" she asked.

"vermont." i answered, "you?"

"here, actually. i grew up near sacramento and then moved to l.a. i feel like moving to l.a. is a big jump when wanting to work in the music industry."

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