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Jenny's pov

as i was about to speak, harry hushed me, his lips trailing down my neck as he hovered over me, his touch gentle. i held onto his head, pulling his face back towards mine to kiss him again, wanting him even more. he kissed me back, his hands unbuttoning my shirt, planting kisses down my body, his lips soft and warm.

a loud knock made me let out a soft gasp, harry raising his head up as he looked at me, startled. he looked at the door, the knocks got louder and louder, so loud that i flinched, opening my eyes.

another dream? really?

i groaned, folding my pillow over my head as i blocked out the knocks on my door, closing my eyes again. okay, i've never had a sexual dream about either of the boys before, so this is new.

"get up we're late!" i heard scott yell.

wait, scott?—why was it scott out of all people. i quickly got up, checking the time to see that we were supposed to be in the car five minutes ago. i let out a startled scream, hurrying as i stuffed things into my bag, rolling my suitcase to the door as i removed my shirt. i put on harry's shirt from last night—it was the only one out and i didn't feel like unzipping my suitcase.

"hurry!" i heard him annoyingly yell as he pounded on the door.

i let out another scream, going into the bathroom before i washed my face and gargled mouth wash from the complementary mini bottle that came with the room. i ran out, almost tripping over my suitcase before i opened the door, scott looking tired and hungover as he had his hood up, in all gray sweats with his black shades on.

"hurry." he complained, and i said "okay, okay." as i swung my bag over my shoulder, rolling my suitcase out with me.

"i'm confused as to why're you're here." i said as we ran down the hallway in a hurry.

"because i woke up like two minutes ago and you still wouldn't answer the door," he squinted his eyes from the light as he let out a groan. "harry tried but you wouldn't get up so i said i'd bring you down since they were in a hurry."

he let out another groan, "fuck, my head hurts." he complained as we got into the elevator.

i was still in my pajama pants, luckily they were just a normal, black and white plaid print and not carebears—i don't know what i'd do if i chose to wore those ones last night, i'd be so embarrassed.

my hair was tied messily in a low bun, and i quickly undid it as i ruffled my hands through my roots, flipping it around a bit. it was still damp from the shower so i was able to do so.

i had timothée's shades he gave me a long time ago in the side pocket of my carry on, so i quickly slipped them out and put them on, knowing my eyes were probably still fucked up.

the man behind the counter understood that we were running late, we slid our keycards over to him as we gave him our last names and he quickly nodded, typing on his computer before we were good to go.

we ran out, only one of the black cars outside, waiting for us. scott cursed under his breath as he opened the door, quickly getting in before i did, and i slammed the door shut before the driver began to drive.

we were panting, out of breath as we both laid back into our chairs. scott let out a long sigh before looking over at me, and we made eye contact for a bit before he began to quietly laugh, causing me to crack a smile before i started to laugh with him, both of our laughs escalating.

"fucking rough." he said as we laughed, and i nodded, "yes, i agree." i said with another laugh.

he let out another sigh as he got something out of the pocket of his hoodie, looking at me before saying "there's no way you're that much of a deep sleeper, like damn, what the hell were you dreaming about?"

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