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Jenny's pov

"a-amari?" i questioned, shocked as i pressed my phone up to my ear.

"jen, how've you been?" she asked. hearing her voice felt like a warm, familiar hug. that comforting feeling i'd get whenever hanging out with her after school.

"great um—how are you?" i asked, trying to remain calm as harry watched me speak.

"better than ever—i know you might have a lot of questions, i even contemplated calling." i heard her laugh, "you know me, i'm indecisive like you."

"yes, i'm glad to see that we're still the same." i said, forming a small smile.

"maybe i'll explain everything to you in person? when are you free today?" she questioned.

"later tonight—wait, you're here? like in hamilton?" i asked, surprised.

"yeah, i moved here recently! new york was just...too busy for me, and i got a job offer here in canada —i gotta get back to work um, just text me and we'll plan something." she said, and i could hear chatter in the background, she seemed busy.

"okay, definitely." i said, looking over at harry as i noticed he was still watching me while he sat up on the low table, sipping his coffee.

"awesome—see you later." she said, and i replied "see you." before she hung up.

"what, why're you staring at me like that?" i asked harry as i put my phone in my pocket, starting to walk pass him.

"what? i never knew." he whined as he got back on his feet, getting off the table as he walked close behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders. my mind always surprises me whenever i realize people didn't know i liked girls—so he was right to be a little surprised too.

"now i have to be jealous of kayla and not just timmy." he joked, and we both laughed.

"at least you admitted that you're jealous." i said, turning my head to face him.

he sighed, "forget that part." he said, his deep voice close to my ear before he placed a warm kiss on my neck while we reached the door.


after soundcheck

we had drove for quite some time, timothée wouldn't tell me where we were going the whole ride—leaving me curious as always.

"do we always have to go somewhere? aren't we just communicating." i asked timothée as i walked next to him.

"what better place to communicate than at the niagra falls?" he asked, looking both ways before we started to cross the street.

"oh, so if all goes wrong you can just chuck me into the waterfall," i nodded, "i get it."

he let out a laugh, and i smiled, getting the reaction that i wanted.

"thanks for the idea—but no, so that you can take pictures with your stupid polaroid." he said as he shoved his hands into his pockets, "figured you'd like that." he mumbled.

"okay i take my joke back—that's nice of you." i said with a shy smile as i glanced over at him.

the late august breeze hit my arms pleasantly as we walked, i was glad i chose to wear a tank top—yet again. watching my feet as i walked, i felt timothée put his hand on my opposite shoulder, moving me a bit so that i didn't bump into the light pole that came my way. i felt a little embarrassed, because i've done this before. i always find a way to either trip or bump into something while i walk—it's fascinating, really.

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