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Jenny's pov

"what? he's here in cali?" i asked, surprised.

"yeah, kayla called and said he showed up at our place a while ago thinking you'd be there. she said that when he landed he stayed at his place before deciding to come." she paused, "something happened in london jen. the night of his drunk call? i know he needs you."

her words had made me worry even more, my face more serious as i reached the door. "thank you for telling me—text me when you guys are on your way back, okay."

"i will, love you." she said.

i smiled, i've never had a friend tell me that before. "love you too."

she hung up and i made it outside, going to where andrew had parked the car. scott was in the drivers seat, and i walked up to his door, tapping on his window. he raised his eyebrows, rolling his window down.

"jenny jenny jen, there you areeee." he said, leaning his head back onto his seat.

"out, i'm driving." i said as i gestured my head in my direction.

he furrowed his eyebrows, his expressions complaining as he stared at me. i raised my eyebrows, nodding my head towards outside again and he let out a long sigh, annoyingly getting out.

i got in, closing the door before i buckled my seatbelt on. scott got into the passenger's seat, and i waited for him to buckle up before i backed out of the parking space, starting to drive down the road. i didn't turn on any music, my head still pounding from the club, my mind too worried about harry.

"i wasn't supposed to tell you, but harry's here." he said, looking at me.

"why weren't you supposed to tell me?" i asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

"because he's not in good shape." he said, and i wanted to stop the car, but instead i kept on driving.

"what do you mean by that?" i asked slowly.

"i think he got into a fight? i'm not really sure, nor am i a reliable source right now. something to do with family." he closed his eyes, quiet for a bit. "i saw some videos online that have been spreading. he was drunk at an event and basically everything went to shit."

i wanted to just speed down the road now. wanted to pass all the red lights up ahead. i've never felt this way before, not for harry at least. protective. i've never seen the reason to be, he's very independent and doesn't need me to be around all the time. i've never physically felt the need to keep him in my arms and fight off whoever it was that was bothering him. the thought of someone hurting him, no matter what the situation was, made me angry.

scott could just be exaggerating i said in my mind, being in bad shape was subjective—maybe his drunk thoughts weren't right.

knowing this made my mind go blank, so much that i'd missed a couple of turns, getting frustrated as i ordered scott to repeat the directions to me along the way. the twenty minute drive turned into a thirty minute drive as i now pulled up to the beach house.

i quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door, about to slam it before i looked back at scott.

"do you need any help?" i asked, remembering he was drunk.

"i'm good, go in." she said with a nod, reaching to his side where the buckle of his seatbelt was.

i nodded before i closed the door, wanting to rip my heels off already. out of breath, i knocked impatiently on the front door, waiting a bit before kayla opened it.

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