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UM this one gets kinda spicy...just a heads up DSJQJXIKW

Jenny's pov

"argentina!" harry yelled into the mic as he formed a small smile, the crowd going wild.

"how're you doing tonight?" timothée asked, pausing to hear their screams. "it's been a while." he said as he picked his mic up from the stand, fixing his in-ear.

the crowd wouldn't stop screaming, i could see everyone from afar as they shouted, jumping up and down every time someone would talk. they looked so happy to see them, their energy high.

"they're loud, aren't they?" harry said, looking at timothée.

"i think they can be louder." timothée answered, walking along the stage. "i want you to be loud for me!" he yelled. the fans screamed even louder, causing me to look at the girls in disbelief as they laughed.

i smiled as i secured my mic onto it's stand, looking at the large audience again. they always teased the fans every show, getting them riled up before they would start singing again. their opening was only angel, and then they do this bit where they introduce themselves and talk to the crowd. next, they'd introduce the backup band, leading to the start of medicine.

"there we goooo." timothée dragged his words out with a smile as he walked back towards the center of the stage. harry smiling at the fans, repeating "there we goooo." in the same tone, watching timothée.

"now that i know you can hear me," timothée said, swinging his guitar back on before taking his time as he pushed his hair out of his face. "i'm timothée." he finished, the crowd going crazy again.

"and i'm harry." harry said, a smug smile on his face.

"let's introduce the amazing people behind us, shall we?" harry said as timothée drank from his water bottle.

"we have adam on the bass." harry spoke into the mic, the spotlight shining on adam as he played his guitar solo, the fans continuously screaming.

"sarah on the drums." timothée said, the spotlight going to her as she began to play.

i always loved this part, it always made me smile whenever i watched them play.
"mitch on the guitar." harry said before beginning to drink his water while mitch played his solo.

timothée waited for the crowd to dial down after mitch's solo before saying "and our three lovely singers from left to right."

"jenny, emily and kayla." harry said loudly into the mic.

that was our cue to start the intro vocals of medicine, reeling in the audience, giving them the hint that the next song was about to start. we always sang in a three-part harmony, from low to high going from left to right of where we stood.

"thank you for joining us on our youth tour, are you guys ready?" harry said, mitch and adam starting to play their guitars, adding to our hums. the audience's screams got louder once as they recognized the rhythm of the song, knowing it was medicine.

"we're two." timothée said, sarah beginning to play the drums, adding to the arrangement.

"this is medicine." harry said, his hands on his mic as he spoke. the fans went crazy as timothée began to play his guitar, harry turning around, walking back as he teased the audience, the song starting.

this song was mainly harry singing, timothée playing the guitar while also singing the supporting vocals. they had a lot of songs like this, such as ever since new york, where timothée was the lead vocalist, harry being the supporting.

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