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Jenny's pov

the flight from chicago to detroit was short, and we all now walked down town, not wanting to sit in the hotel all day before the concert. i felt a bit awkward, hanging out with timothée and harry when we all knew i was involved with the both of them. i didn't know what was even going on between any of us, there weren't any labels—not even a friendly label or anything. again—i felt like i was just starting to be friends with them. the kiss with harry yesterday felt like our first kiss, for it wasn't an in the moment thing, and there was nothing that came after that. it wasn't forced. i wasn't on the spot. i did it because i genuinely felt like i was ready, i felt like my crush was getting stronger.

for the first time i was being talkative with kayla while emily kept to herself, walking with us all. i wondered why she was so quiet, her and kayla were usually the conversation starters. harry and timothée seemed to be in a good mood too, all of us talking as we walked. i was happy to see timothée doing much better than the last time we spoke—i had also concluded that him and kayla made up.

i turned my head, glancing over at emily as she looked at the places we passed by. i held my hand out, offering to lock our arms together as we walked—like how kayla had been doing with mine. she smiled before accepting my offer, locking arms with me. the three of us now walked, linked together, timothée next to kayla and harry behind us.

i felt harry place his hands onto my shoulders as we walked, his thumbs pressing into my skin as he gently massaged me while everyone spoke. i glanced over at him, his face closely behind me as he peaked over my shoulder. he held a small smile as he looked down at me, cuddling his face into the crook of my neck once he noticed my stare. I let out a small giggle, finding his touch ticklish.

emily seemed to notice, causing me to suddenly feel uncomfortable considering she most likely had feelings for him. i felt bad for her, not wanting her to be upset today—she already seemed so stressed here and there. and though i didn't mind harry's gesture—in fact, it formed butterflies in my stomach, i'd rather have a happy emily than a happy jenny. i casually shrugged my shoulders back, and he caught on with my action, removing his hands as he let out a sigh.

"oh shit guys look." kayla said in a quiet tone, making us all turn our heads in the direction she had her head in.

a group of girls had been walking in our direction, their phones out as they chatted and giggled. i knew they were fans when i saw one of the girls in a shirt with harry and timothée's faces on it. i had gotten so used to being on tour that i had forgotten that this wasn't a normal thing—that they were famous. seeing that girl in that shirt was just a visual reminder.

"and back around we go." timothée said as he turned around, all of us copying his actions as we headed back towards the direction we came from.

"do you think they know who i am?" i asked the girls as timothée and harry walked in front of us.

"yes? they know all of us, have you not seen the things they say on twitter and stuff?" kayla said, and i shook my head "i don't check." i said.

"they know everyone in the back-up band, even some of the producers and staff—i swear they find out about everything." emily said.

"the thought of that scares me." i said with a laugh, trying not to turn my head back and look at them. i heard their voices get closer to us as we sped up our pace.

"yeah it's crazy to think about." kayla commented, it didn't help that we were all so easy to recognize. the two boys were tall, all of their fans could recognize them from a mile away. kayla had blue hair, who else in the band had colored hair? i was the only one with long curls, and kayla's model build was pretty easy to spot.

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