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(swipe to see scott's character reveal^^)

Jenny's pov

i got into the car with emily, kayla, marley, and andrew—andrew drove, marley in the front seat. i sat in the back with the girls, at the window seat next to emily. as i looked out the window i began to zone out, thinking about last night as i rested my cheek onto the palm of my hand, my elbow propped up on the arm rest near the window.


"me first." i said as he opened up the shampoo bottle, and i held my hands out, watching him pour the smooth liquid into the palms of my hands.

"this is dumb, i liked what we were doing before much better." he said as he watched me rub the shampoo in between my hands.

"we're in the shower already, why not?" i said with a smile as i looked back up at him, his eyes studying my face.

i raised my hands up towards his head, and he bent down, getting closer to my level as he allowed me to run the shampoo through his long hair.

"for someone who thinks this is dumb, you gave in almost too easily." i said as i pushed his hair back, massaging the now bubbly shampoo into his roots.

"i like it better when you're quiet because i get to just stare at you." he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"well there's not much to stare at, i'm pretty boring." i said quietly, moving my hands to the sides of his head, lathering the shampoo in.

"there's a lot to stare at." he said, his eyes moving down to my chest. i immediately redirected his eyes as i moved his chin up with my finger, saying "timmy!"

he laughed, getting closer to my face as he pulled me closer to him, his hands on my back. "i meant it in a different way, but i took the opportunity and ran with it." he said, allowing me to lather the shampoo into his hair again.

"what way did you mean it in then?" i asked with a laugh, looking into his eyes.

"i've never noticed your freckles." he said, running his finger down the bridge of my nose. "how sharp your cupids bow is." he said, his finger surfacing my cupids bow before moving down to my lips as he stared at them. "the way your lips form a natural pout."

i was quiet, not used to anyone admiring or even observing my features—i was usually the admirer. i moved my eyes to his hair as i finished lathering it. "you can wash it out now." i said, removing my hands.

he looked at me before standing straight again, turning around, the water hitting the back of his head. i watched his arms as he ran his hands through his hair, pushing it back while squeezing the shampoo out. the fresh smell of the shampoo clouded the shower, dripping from his hair down to his back.

i noticed a tattoo i've never seen before, one on the back of his neck—four thin tally marks. i slowly raised my hand towards it, brushing my thumb pass it.

he immediately turned around, facing me again as he removed my hand, wrapping it around his torso instead. he picked the shampoo bottle up again, pouring some into his hand.

i was about to speak, wanting to apologize, but he quickly spoke up instead, saying "you're beautiful, you know that right?"

he looked into my eyes, his hands fast as they moved against each other, spreading the shampoo before sliding his hands down my head, all the way to the ends of my hair.

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