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Jenny's pov

at first i thought timothée wasn't being serious, staying in this room with me would be so boring—especially since he knew i was going to actually take this time to sleep. anyone would much rather prefer a dip in the nice pool right now. but he already made up his mind, so there wasn't much i could say to him.

as soon as my head hit the pillow, i knocked out, timothée sitting by me as he read. i don't know how much time had passed, but all i know is that the next time i opened my eyes, i was facing him.

and he had fallen asleep, my book still open in his hands as he sat up, his head leaning towards his shoulder.

i found myself smiling, finding it cute that he fell asleep while reading. sitting up, i checked my phone, seeing that i've been sleeping for over half an hour.

still tired, i forced myself to get up and make some coffee to wake me up instead. if i slept any longer i don't think i'd wake up easily, i'd want to just stay in bed. as i waited for the coffee machine to heat up, i glanced over at timothée, not wanting to wake him up. he seemed tired too, and probably needed sleep more than i did.

using one of the white mugs that sat on the counter, i made a cup of hot coffee, closing the curtain in front of the bed so that the sun wasn't in timothée's face.

i didn't know what to do now, feeling lonely though i wasn't alone. it was like being the first one to wake up at a sleepover—just sitting around until someone else wakes up. or debating whether or not you should wake your friends up yourself.

i sat back down by him, setting my mug onto the nightstand before slowly taking the book out of his arms. i knew how uncomfortable the position was to sleep while sitting, so i sort of felt bad, wanting to make him more comfortable.

the white sheets were no longer smoothly done since i had been in them, and i got in again before gently covering half of him, his legs still crossed. as i did so he suddenly moved down, resting his head onto the pillow as he latched his arm around me.

i wanted to laugh, as he was full on cuddling into me, his leg and arm wrapped around my body. for some reason his presence felt comfortable, and i lightly put my hand onto his messy hair, moving it out of his face. maybe it was because he wasn't awake to make any flirty remarks right now, that could explain why i was so care free.

i swore i saw him smile a bit, but by the time i blinked his smile was gone, his face straight again. i rolled my eyes, knowing he was probably awake right now and doing all of this on purpose.

i didn't mind it though, i felt so relaxed. his hair was soft to touch, some parts curlier than the others as they lightly touched my skin. i've never been this close to him for this long, i could smell his soft cologne as it most likely transferred onto my skin by now. i swear i could fall right back asleep right now, but i refused to, knowing that i'd probably end up oversleeping.

i had forgotten about the hot coffee i just made, not wanting to move—he could be sleeping, though i doubted it. i let out a little sigh, wanting to see if he'd react.

seeing that he still wouldn't budge, i purposely cleared my throat. and still, he didn't move.

okay, maybe he's actually sleeping.

but i refused to believe so, knowing him and the jokes he plays. so i made the quick decision to tickle his neck and he let out a giggle immediately tickling my stomach.

i let out a laugh, "hey no, no stop that!" i managed to say in between laughs as he continued to tickle me.

"you started it!" he said as he laughed, moving up so that he had the advantage of over powering me.

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