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Jenny's pov

timothée did the complete opposite of what i had ordered him to do—and i could confidently say this—because on friday, he showed up.

it's not like he showed up at the front door and greeted everyone—or that he maybe even knocked on my balcony doors and surprised me that way.

i don't remember what time it was, all i knew was that everyone was asleep, and i had gotten out of bed—another sleepless night. i set up a towel on the beach and brought my book with me, reading as i sat facing the ocean. occasionally i'd look up from my book and at the view in front of me, the stars faintly visible from afar. the flash on my phone stayed on beside me.

as i laid on my back—holding my book out in front of me—he had suddenly appeared, hovering on top of me as i dropped my book down, startled.

"jenny fucking sierra." were the first words he said, his hair messily in my face.

my first reaction was to scream—and when he quickly cupped my mouth with his hand, i smiled brightly, realizing it was actually him and not a stranger.

"you know, this is the most jenny thing i've ever seen you do. reading on the beach at night all alone?" he playfully pushed his forehead against mine with a smile before giving me a long kiss.

"of course you came." i said, though i was more than shocked.

"that's really all i get? after a flight and some jet lag?" he said as i pushed his hair back, keeping my hands in his hair.

"i'm sorry, what were you expecting?" i said with a smile.

i wanted to hug him tightly until he was annoyed and sick of me—tell him how much i missed him though he probably didn't care.

"anything but of course you came." he mocked me, and i pushed him away as he laughed. he dipped his head in again, resisting my small push as he got closer to my face.

"fine. i missed you, shocker." i said instead.

"shocker." he repeated in a whisper as he raised his eyebrows, resting his forehead onto mine. i moved his hair back again, though it fell towards my face regardless. my hand made its way down his jawline and to the side of his face.

his lips were about to touch mine before he moved his head back."tell me what's going on." he said as he got off of me.

i hoped he'd let that go by now.

but he was stubborn, like me, and even the excitement of seeing each other again after weeks wasn't enough to distract his mind.

i sighed as i sat up, knowing that it'd be hard to lie to him about, well, anything. he'd see right through me. it's not like i could lie to harry either—i just refrained from telling him about things. i kept quiet, because if i tried to lie to him, i'd fail too. my option of keeping quiet was now taken away as timothée sat across from me, waiting for my answer.

"i've seen new shit of you and zayn, would you like to start there?" he asked as he moved his hand along the sand, though it seemed more like a petty comment.

i've gone through with my deal with griffin, getting "caught" with zayn outside by the paparazzi. literally all we had to do was walk down the street together, and the headlines and gossip made it ten times more dramatic than it actually was. because of this, alex has left the beach house. more attention was brought on us as well. surprisingly enough, after i had basically begged her to leave, she stayed out of our way. but now she was actually gone. so yes, griffin did follow through with my little plan. but in the end, i took more of the blow.

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